Sample Size Calculation for High Dimensional Classification Study

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Documentation for package ‘HDDesign’ version 1.1

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HDDesign-package Sample Size Calculation for High Dimensional Classification Study
cv_method Formula-based PCC of a CV-based classifier
cv_method_corr Formula-based method to calculate the PCC of a CV-based classifier when features are correlated.
cv_method_MC MC simulation-based method to calculate the PCC of a CV-based classifier; calculated using training and test datasets in MC simulations.
cv_method_MC_corr MC simulation-based method to calculate the PCC of a CV-based classifier when features are correlated; uses training and testing datasets.
ds_method Estimate PCC by DS Method
hct_beta Alternative HCT Procedure to Choose P-Value Threshold Based on Beta Distribution of P-Values.
hct_empirical Original HCT Procedure to Choose P-Value Threshold for Feature Selection
hct_method Estimate PCC of HCT Classifiers
hct_method_corr Estimate PCC of HCT Classifiers via implementation of Monte Carlo simulations with correlated features.
hct_method_MC Estimate PCC of HCT Classifiers via implementation of Monte Carlo simulations, using training and testing datasets
hct_method_MC_corr Estimate PCC of HCT Classifiers constructed with correlated features using Monte Carlo simulations
HDDesign Sample Size Calculation for High Dimensional Classification Study
ideal_pcc Determine the Ideal PCC
samplesize Determine the Sample Size Requirement
which.region Determine the Feasibility Region