bootLOPR {HDCI}R Documentation

Bootstrap Lasso OLS Partial Ridge


Combines residual (or paired) bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge and residual (or paired) bootstrap Lasso+OLS, and produces confidence intervals for regression coefficients.


bootLOPR(x, y, lambda2, B = 500, type.boot = "residual", thres = 0.5, alpha = 0.05, 
         OLS = TRUE, cv.method = "cv", nfolds = 10, foldid, cv.OLS = TRUE, tau = 0, 
         parallel = FALSE, standardize = TRUE, intercept = TRUE, parallel.boot = 
         FALSE, ncores.boot = 1, ...)



Input matrix as in glmnet, of dimension nobs x nvars; each row is an observation vector.


Response variable.


Tuning parameter in the Partial Ridge. If missing, lambda2 will be set to 1/nobs, where nobs is the number of observations.


Number of replications in the bootstrap – default is 500.


Bootstrap method which can take one of the following two values: "residual" or "paired". The default is residual.


A threshold parameter. For the variables/predictors with selection probability (obtained by bootstrap) larger than thres, this function uses bootstrap Lasso+OLS (if OLS=TRUE) or bootstrap Lasso (if OLS=FALSE) to produce confidence intervals; while, for the variables/predictors with selection probability (obtained by bootstrap) smaller than thres, this function uses bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge to produce confidence intervals.


Significance level – default is 0.05.


If TRUE, this function uses Lasso+OLS estimator to compute the residuals for residual bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge; otherwise, it uses Lasso estimator to compute the residuals for residual bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge. The default value is TRUE. This argument can be ignored for paired bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge.


The method used to select lambda in the Lasso – can be cv, cv1se, and escv; the default is cv.

nfolds, foldid, cv.OLS, tau, parallel

Arguments that can be passed to escv.glmnet.


Logical flag for x variable standardization, prior to fitting the model. Default is standardize=TRUE.


Should intercept be fitted (default is TRUE) or set to zero (FALSE).


If TRUE, use parallel foreach to run the bootstrap replication. Must register parallel before hand, such as doParallel or others. See the example below.


Number of cores used in the bootstrap replication.


Other arguments that can be passed to glmnet.


The function combines the performance of bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge and bootstrap Lasso+OLS (if OLS=TRUE). For "large" regression coefficient in the sense that their selection probability (obtained by bootstrap) is larger than a threshold value (thres), it uses bootstrap Lasso+OLS to produce confidence intervals which can decrease the interval length ; while, for "small" regression coefficients meaning that their selection probability (obtained by bootstrap) is smaller than a threshold value (thres), it uses bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge to produce confidence intervals which can guarantee coverage. Note that there are two arguments related to parallel, "parallel" and "parallel.boot": "parallel" is used for parallel foreach in the escv.glmnet; while, "paralle.boot" is used for the parallel foreach in the bootstrap replication precodure.


A list consisting of the following elements is returned.


The optimal value of lambda selected by cv/cv1se/escv.


Lasso+OLS (if OLS=TRUE) or Lasso (if OLS=FALSE) estimate of the regression coefficients.


Lasso+Partial Ridge estimate of the regression coefficients.


A 2 by p matrix containing the bootstrap Lasso+OLS (if OLS=TRUE) or bootstrap Lasso (if OLS=FALSE) confidence intervals – the first row is the lower bounds of the confidence intervals for each of the coefficients and the second row is the upper bounds of the confidence intervals.


A 2 by p matrix containing the bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge confidence intervals – the first row is the lower bounds of the confidence intervals for each of the coefficients and the second row is the upper bounds of the confidence intervals.


A 2 by p matrix containing the combining confidence intervals of bootstrap Lasso+Partial Ridge and bootstrap Lasso+OLS (or bootstrap Lasso if OLS=FALSE) – the first row is the lower bounds of the confidence intervals for each of the coefficients and the second row is the upper bounds of the confidence intervals.



## generate the data
n <- 200      # number of obs
p <- 500
s <- 10
beta <- rep(0, p)
beta[1:s] <- runif(s, 1/3, 1)
x <- rmvnorm(n = n, mean = rep(0, p), method = "svd")
signal <- sqrt(mean((x %*% beta)^2))
sigma <- as.numeric(signal / sqrt(10))  # SNR=10
y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n)

## residual bootstrap Lasso OLS + Partial Ridge
obj <- bootLOPR(x = x, y = y, B = 10)
# confidence interval
sum((obj$interval[1,]<=beta) & (obj$interval[2,]>=beta))

## using parallel in the bootstrap replication
#system.time(obj <- bootLOPR(x = x, y = y))
#system.time(obj <- bootLOPR(x = x, y = y, parallel.boot = TRUE, ncores.boot = 2))

[Package HDCI version 1.0-2 Index]