SnowGlacier_HBV {HBV.IANIGLA}R Documentation

Snow and ice-melt models


Allows you to simulate snow accumulation and melting processes using a temperature index approach. The function also incorporates options for clean and debris covered glacier surface mass balance simulations.





numeric indicating which model you will use:

  • 1: temperature index model.

  • 2: temperature index model with a variable snow cover area as input data (as in the Snowmelt Runoff Model - SRM).

  • 3: temperature index model with a variable glacier area as input data.


numeric matrix being columns the input variables. As in the whole package functions, NA_real_ values are forbidden. When speaking about model options we refer to the model argument.

Model 1:

  • column_1: air temperature series [°C/\Delta t].

  • column_2: precipitation series [mm/\Delta t].

Model 2:

  • column_1: air temperature [°C/\Delta t].

  • column_2: precipitation [mm/\Delta t].

  • column_3: snow cover area. Values between [0 ; 1] [-].

Model 3:

  • column_1: air temperature [°C/\Delta t].

  • column_2: precipitation [mm/\Delta t].

  • column_3: glacier cover area. This area values are relative to the total surface area of the basin [-].


numeric vector with the following values.

  • SWE0: initial snow water equivalent [mm].

  • numeric integer indicating the surface type. 1: clean ice; 2: soil; 3: debris-covered ice.

  • area of the glacier(s) (in the elevation band) relative to the basin; e.g.: 0.1 [-]. This option is required in Model 1 and Model 2 when surface is a glacier.


numeric vector with the following values:

  1. SFCF: snowfall correction factor [-].

  2. Tr: solid and liquid precipitation threshold temperature [ºC].

  3. Tt: melt temperature [ºC].

  4. fm: snowmelt factor [mm/°C.\Delta t].

  5. fi: icemelt factor [mm/°C.\Delta t].

  6. fic: debris-covered ice-melt factor [mm/°C.\Delta t].


Numeric matrix with the following columns:

Model 1

** if surface is soil,

  1. Prain: precip. as rainfall.

  2. Psnow: precip. as snowfall.

  3. SWE: snow water equivalent.

  4. Msnow: melted snow.

  5. Total: Prain + Msnow.

** if surface is ice,

  1. Prain: precip. as rainfall.

  2. Psnow: precip. as snowfall.

  3. SWE: snow water equivalent.

  4. Msnow: melted snow.

  5. Mice: melted ice.

  6. Mtot: Msnow + Mice.

  7. Cum: Psnow - Mtot.

  8. Total: Prain + Mtot.

  9. TotScal: Total * initCond[3].

Model 2

** if surface is soil,

  1. Prain: precip. as rainfall.

  2. Psnow: precip. as snowfall.

  3. SWE: snow water equivalent.

  4. Msnow: melted snow.

  5. Total: Prain + Msnow.

  6. TotScal: Msnow * SCA + Prain.

** if surface is ice -> as in Model 1

Model 3

** if surface is soil -> as in Model 1

** if surface is ice,

  1. Prain: precip. as rainfall.

  2. Psnow: precip. as snowfall.

  3. SWE: snow water equivalent.

  4. Msnow: melted snow.

  5. Mice: melted ice.

  6. Mtot: Msnow + Mice.

  7. Cum: Psnow - Mtot.

  8. Total: Prain + Mtot.

  9. TotScal: Total * inputData[i, 3].


Bergström, S., Lindström, G., 2015. Interpretation of runoff processes in hydrological modelling—experience from the HBV approach. Hydrol. Process. 29, 3535–3545.

DeWalle, D. R., & Rango, A. (2008). Principles of Snow Hydrology.

Parajka, J., Merz, R., Blöschl, G., 2007. Uncertainty and multiple objective calibration in regional water balance modelling: case study in 320 Austrian catchments. Hydrol. Process. 21, 435–446.

Seibert, J., Vis, M.J.P., 2012. Teaching hydrological modeling with a user-friendly catchment-runoff-model software package. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 16, 3315–3325.


# The following is a toy example. I strongly recommend to see
# the package vignettes in order to improve your skills on HBV.IANIGLA

## Debris-covered ice
ObsTemp   <- sin(x = seq(0, 10*pi, 0.1))
ObsPrecip <- runif(n = 315, max = 50, min = 0)
ObsGCA    <- seq(1, 0.8, -0.2/314)

## Fine debris covered layer assumed. Note that the ice-melt factor is cumpulsory but harmless.
DebrisCovGlac <- SnowGlacier_HBV(model = 3,
                                 inputData = cbind(ObsTemp, ObsPrecip, ObsGCA),
                                 initCond = c(10, 3, 1),
                                 param = c(1, 1, 0, 3, 1, 6))

[Package HBV.IANIGLA version 0.2.6 Index]