HACSim-package {HACSim}R Documentation

Iterative Extrapolation of Species' Haplotype Accumulation Curves for Genetic Diversity Assessment


HACSim (Haplotype Accumulation Curve Simulator) employs a novel nonparametric stochastic (Monte Carlo) optimization method of iteratively generating species' haplotype accumulation curves through extrapolation to assess sampling completeness based on the approach outlined in Phillips et al. (2015) <doi:10.1515/dna-2015-0008>, Phillips et al. (2019) <doi:10.1002/ece3.4757> and Phillips et al. (2020) <doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.243>. HACSim outputs a number of useful summary statistics of sampling coverage ("Measures of Sampling Closeness"), including an estimate of the likely required sample size (along with desired level confidence intervals) necessary to recover a given number/proportion of observed unique species' haplotypes. Any genomic marker can be targeted to assess likely required specimen sample sizes for genetic diversity assessment. The method is particularly well-suited to assess sampling sufficiency for DNA barcoding initiatives. Users can also simulate their own DNA sequences according to various models of nucleotide substitution. A Shiny app is also available.



Package: HACSim
Type: Package
Title: Iterative Extrapolation of Species' Haplotype Accumulation Curves for Genetic Diversity Assessment
Version: 1.0.6-1
Date: 2022-05-23
Author: Jarrett D. Phillips [aut, cre], Steven H. French [ctb], Navdeep Singh [ctb]
Maintainer: Jarrett D. Phillips <phillipsjarrett1@gmail.com>
Description: Performs iterative extrapolation of species' haplotype accumulation curves using a nonparametric stochastic (Monte Carlo) optimization method for assessment of specimen sampling completeness based on the approach of Phillips et al. (2015) <doi:10.1515/dna-2015-0008>, Phillips et al. (2019) <doi:10.1002/ece3.4757> and Phillips et al. (2020) <doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.243>. 'HACSim' outputs a number of useful summary statistics of sampling coverage ("Measures of Sampling Closeness"), including an estimate of the likely required sample size (along with desired level confidence intervals) necessary to recover a given number/proportion of observed unique species' haplotypes. Any genomic marker can be targeted to assess likely required specimen sample sizes for genetic diversity assessment. The method is particularly well-suited to assess sampling sufficiency for DNA barcoding initiatives. Users can also simulate their own DNA sequences according to various models of nucleotide substitution. A Shiny app is also available.
License: GPL-3
URL: <https://github.com/jphill01/HACSim.R> <https://github.com/jphill01/HACSim-RShiny-App> <https://jphill01.shinyapps.io/HACSim>
NeedsCompilation: yes
Imports: ape (>= 5.3), data.table (>= 1.12.8), graphics (>= 3.6.1), matrixStats (>= 0.56.0), pegas (>= 0.13), Rcpp (>= 1.0.3), shiny (>= 1.6.0), stats (>= 3.6.1), utils (>= 3.6.1)
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
Packaged: 2019-10-23 16:00:58 UTC; jarrettphillips

Index of help topics:

HAC.sim                 Internal R code
HAC.simrep              Run a simulation of haplotype accumulation
                        curves for hypothetical or real species
HACClass                Internal R code
HACHypothetical         Set up an object to simulate haplotype
                        accumulation curves for a hypothetical species
HACReal                 Set up an object to simulate haplotype
                        accumulation curves for a real species
HACSim-package          Iterative Extrapolation of Species' Haplotype
                        Accumulation Curves for Genetic Diversity
accumulate              Internal C++ code
envr                    Simulation variable storage environment
launchApp               Launch HACSim R Shiny web app
sim.seqs                Simulate DNA sequences according to DNA
                        substitution models


Jarrett D. Phillips [aut, cre], Steven H. French [ctb], Navdeep Singh [ctb]

Maintainer: Jarrett D. Phillips <phillipsjarrett1@gmail.com>


Phillips, J.D., Gwiazdowski, R.A., Ashlock, D. and Hanner, R. (2015). An exploration of sufficient sampling effort to describe intraspecific DNA barcode haplotype diversity: examples from the ray-finned fishes (Chordata: Actinopterygii). DNA Barcodes, 3: 66-73.

Phillips, J.D., Gillis, D.J. and Hanner, R.H. (2019). Incomplete estimates of genetic diversity within species: Implications for DNA barcoding. Ecology and Evolution, 9(5): 2996-3010.

Phillips, J.D., Gillis, D.J. and Hanner, R.H. (2020). HACSim: An R package to estimate intraspecific sample sizes for genetic diversity assessment using haplotype accumulation curves. PeerJ Computer Science


## Simulate hypothetical species ##

N <- 100 # total number of sampled individuals
Hstar <- 10 # total number of haplotypes
probs <- rep(1/Hstar, Hstar) # equal haplotype frequency distribution

HACSObj <- HACHypothetical(N = N, Hstar = Hstar, 
probs = probs, filename = "output") # outputs a CSV 
# file called "output.csv"

## Simulate hypothetical species - subsampling ##
HACSObj <- HACHypothetical(N = N, Hstar = Hstar, 
probs = probs, perms = 1000, p = 0.95, 
subsample = TRUE, prop = 0.25, conf.level = 0.95, 
filename = "output")

## Simulate hypothetical species and all paramaters changed - subsampling ##
HACSObj <- HACHypothetical(N = N, Hstar = Hstar, probs = probs, 
perms = 10000, p = 0.90, subsample = TRUE, prop = 0.15, 
conf.level = 0.95, filename = "output")

HAC.simrep(HACSObj) # runs a simulation

## Simulate real species ##

## Not run: 
## Simulate real species ##
# outputs file called "output.csv"
HACSObj <- HACReal(filename = "output") 

## Simulate real species - subsampling ##
HACSObj <- HACReal(subsample = TRUE, prop = 0.15, 
conf.level = 0.95, filename = "output")

## Simulate real species and all parameters changed - subsampling ##
HACSObj <- HACReal(perms = 10000, p = 0.90, subsample = TRUE, 
prop = 0.15, conf.level = 0.99, filename = "output")

# user prompted to select appropriate FASTA file
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
## Simulate DNA sequences ##

num.seqs <- 100 # number of DNA sequences
num.haps <- 15 # number of haplotypes
length.seqs <- 658 # length of DNA sequences
count.haps <- c(60, rep(10, 2), rep(5, 2), rep(1, 5)) # haplotype frequency distribution
nucl.freqs <- rep(0.25, 4) # nucleotide frequency distribution
subst.model <- "JC69" # desired nucleotide substitution model
mu.rate <- 1e-3 # mutation rate
transi.rate <- NULL # transition rate
transv.rate <- NULL # transversion rate

sim.seqs(num.seqs = num.seqs, num.haps = num.haps, length.seqs = length.seqs,
nucl.freqs = nucl.freqs, count.haps = count.haps, subst.model = subst.model, 
transi.rate = transi.rate, transv.rate = transv.rate)

# outputs file called "output.csv"
HACSObj <- HACReal(filename = "output") 

## Simulate DNA sequences - subsampling ##
HACSObj <- HACReal(subsample = TRUE, prop = 0.15, 
conf.level = 0.95, filename = "output")

## Simulate DNA sequences and all parameters changed - subsampling ##
HACSObj <- HACReal(perms = 10000, p = 0.90, subsample = TRUE, 
prop = 0.15, conf.level = 0.99, filename = "output") 

# user prompted to select appropriate FASTA file
## End(Not run)

[Package HACSim version 1.0.6-1 Index]