summary_regular_binary {GxEprs}R Documentation

summary_regular_binary function This function outputs the summary of regular model and final risk score values of each individual in the target dataset using pre-generated Polygenic Risk Scores (PRSs) of all the individuals. Note that the input used in this function can be generated by using PRS_binary function.


summary_regular_binary function This function outputs the summary of regular model and final risk score values of each individual in the target dataset using pre-generated Polygenic Risk Scores (PRSs) of all the individuals. Note that the input used in this function can be generated by using PRS_binary function.


  add_score = NULL,
  gxe_score = NULL,



Phenotype file containing family ID, individual ID and phenotype of the target dataset as columns, without heading


Covariate file containing family ID, individual ID, standardized covariate, square of standardized covariate, and/or confounders of the target dataset as columns, without heading


PRSs generated using additive SNP effects of GWAS/GWEIS summary statistics


PRSs generated using interaction SNP effects of GWEIS summary statistics


Specify the model number (0: y = PRS_trd + E + confounders, 1: y = PRS_trd + E + PRS_trd x E + confounders, 2: y = PRS_add + E + PRS_add x E + confounders, 3: y = PRS_add + E + PRS_gxe x E + confounders, 4: y = PRS_add + E + PRS_gxe + PRS_gxe x E + confounders, 5: y = PRS_add + E + E^2 + PRS_gxe + PRS_gxe x E + confounders, where y is the outcome variable, E is the covariate of interest, PRS_trd and PRS_add are the polygenic risk scores computed using additive SNP effects of GWAS and GWEIS summary statistics respectively, and PRS_gxe is the polygenic risk scores computed using GxE interaction SNP effects of GWEIS summary statistics.)


This function will output


the summary of the fitted model


the estimated risk values of individuals in the target sample


## Not run:  
a <- GWAS_binary(plink_path, DummyData, Bphe_discovery, Bcov_discovery)
trd <- a[c("ID", "A1", "OR")]
b <- GWEIS_binary(plink_path, DummyData, Bphe_discovery, Bcov_discovery)
add <- b[c("ID", "A1", "ADD_OR")]
gxe <- b[c("ID", "A1", "INTERACTION_OR")]
p <- PRS_binary(plink_path, DummyData, summary_input = trd)
q <- PRS_binary(plink_path, DummyData, summary_input = add)
r <- PRS_binary(plink_path, DummyData, summary_input = gxe)
summary_regular_binary(Bphe_target, Bcov_target, 
                            add_score = p,
                            Model = 0)
summary_regular_binary(Bphe_target, Bcov_target, 
                            add_score = p,
                            Model = 1)
summary_regular_binary(Bphe_target, Bcov_target, 
                            add_score = q,
                            Model = 2)
summary_regular_binary(Bphe_target, Bcov_target, 
                            add_score = q, 
                            gxe_score = r, 
                            Model = 3) 
summary_regular_binary(Bphe_target, Bcov_target, 
                            add_score = q, 
                            gxe_score = r, 
                            Model = 4) 
x <- summary_regular_binary(Bphe_target, Bcov_target, 
                            add_score = q, 
                            gxe_score = r, 
                            Model = 5) 
sink("Bsummary.txt") #to create a file in the working directory
print(x$summary) #to write the output
sink() #to save the output
sink("Individual_risk_values.txt") #to create a file in the working directory
write.table(x$risk.values, sep = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, 
quote = FALSE) #to write the output
sink() #to save the output
x$summary #to obtain the model summary output
x$risk.values #to obtain the predicted risk values of target individuals

## End(Not run)

[Package GxEprs version 1.2 Index]