groupbn {GroupBN} | R Documentation |
creates groupbn object (determines an initial clustering based on a hierarchy with target variable and 'separated' variables separated, learns a Bayesian network from grouped data and saves discretization and pca parameters)
groupbn(hierarchy, k, target, separate=NULL,,
X.quanti=NULL, X.quali=NULL, struct.alg="hc", boot=TRUE,
discretize=TRUE, arc.thresh=NULL,
debug=FALSE, R=100, seed=NULL)
hierarchy |
a cluster object from ClustOfVar. |
k |
a positive integer number, the number of initial clusters. |
target |
a string, the name of the target variable. |
separate |
a vector of strings, names of variables that should be separated from the groups, such as age, sex,... | |
a boolean; if TRUE separated variables are used as roots in the network. Can be ignored if separate is empty. |
X.quanti |
a numeric matrix of data, or an object that can be coerced to such a matrix (such as a numeric vector or a data frame with all numeric columns). |
X.quali |
a categorical matrix of data, or an object that can be coerced to such a matrix (such as a character vector, a factor or a data frame with all factor columns). |
struct.alg |
structure learning algorithm according to bnlearn |
arc.thresh |
threshold for bootstrap arcs |
discretize |
a boolean, if a network variables should be discretized before network learning |
boot |
boolean, if TRUE, a bootstrap based network averaging approach is used |
debug |
a boolean, if TRUE, debugging messages are printed |
R |
number of bootstrap replicates for model averaging, default is 100 |
seed |
a random seed number |
an object of class groupbn
bn |
a Bayesian Network structure of bn class from bnlearn. |
fit |
a Bayesian Network with fitted parameters of class from bnlearn. |
X.quanti |
a data.frame containing only the quantitative variables. |
X.quali |
a data.frame containing only the qualitative variables. |
grouping |
a vector of positive integers, giving the cluster assignment. |
k |
the number of clusters. | |
a data.frame containing the cluster representants. |
target |
a string, the name of the target variable. |
separate |
a vector of strings, names of variables that should be separated from the groups. |
pca.param |
the PCAmix used to determine the cluster representants. |
disc.param |
the cutpoints used to discretize the cluster representants. |
score |
Different prediction scores for the target variable using the fitted network. |
Ann-Kristin Becker
Becker A-K, Dörr M, Felix SB, Frost F, Grabe HJ, Lerch MM, et al. (2021) From heterogeneous healthcare data to disease-specific biomarker networks: A hierarchical Bayesian network approach. PLoS Comput Biol 17(2): e1008735.
See Also
#load example data
wine.test<-wine[wine$Soil%in%c("Reference", "Env1"),1:29]
levels(wine.test$Soil)<-c("0", "1")
#cluster data
hierarchy<-hclustvar(X.quanti=wine.test[,3:29], X.quali=wine.test[,1:2])
#Learn group network among 5 clusters with "Soil" as target variable
wine.groupbn<-groupbn(hierarchy, k=5, target="Soil", separate=NULL,
X.quanti=wine.test[,3:29], X.quali=wine.test[,1:2], seed=321)
#Plot network