ResidualModification {Greymodels} | R Documentation |
Residual modification
A collection of grey forecasting models based on residual grey models.
x0 |
Raw data (training set) |
x0_A |
Raw data (testing set) |
remnantgm11 |
Residual-based grey model |
tgm11 |
Trigonometric grey model |
fitted and predicted values
Hu Y (2020). Energy Demand Forecasting using a Novel Remnant GM (1, 1) Model. Soft Computing, pp. 13903-13912. DOI:10.1007/s00500-020-04765-3.
Zhou P, Ang B, Poh K (2006). A Trigonometric Grey Prediction Approach to Forecasting Electricity Demand. Energy, 31(14), 2839-2847. DOI:10.1016/
# TGM (1, 1) model: Trigonometric grey model
x0 <- c(2350,2465,2557,2577,2689,2739,2797,2885,2937,2996)
x0_A <- c(3042,3120,3132,3237)
x1 <- cumsum(x0)
n <- length(x0)
b <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n){
b[i] <- -(0.5*x1[i + 1] + 0.5*x1[i])
b1 <- b[1:n-1]
B <- matrix(1,nrow=n-1,ncol=2)
B[,1] <- t(t(b1[1:n-1]))
yn <- matrix(c(x0),ncol=1)
yn <- t(t(x0[2:n]))
xcap <- solve (t(B) %*% B) %*% t(B) %*% yn
a <- xcap[1,1]
b <- xcap[2,1]
scale_with <- function(k)
(x0[1] - (b/a)) * exp(-a*k) * (1 - exp(a))
fitted <- scale_with(1:n)
x0cap <- c(x0[1],fitted[1:n-1])
x0cap_GM <- c(x0cap)
n <- length(x0)
r0 <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n){
r0[i] <-x0[i] - x0cap_GM[i]
R <- r0[2:n]
rn <- matrix(c(R),ncol=1)
m <- length(rn)
L <- 23
mat1 <- matrix(1,nrow=n-1,ncol=1)
mat2 <-matrix(1:m,nrow=m,ncol=1)
s <- replicate(n,0)
for (i in 1:n){
s[i] <- sin( (2*(i-1)*pi)/L )
mat3 <- matrix(c(s[2:n]),ncol=1)
c <- replicate(n,0)
for (i in 1:n){
c[i] <- cos( (2*(i-1)*pi)/L )
mat4 <- matrix(c(c[2:n]),ncol=1)
B <- cbind(mat1,mat2,mat3,mat4)
rcap <- (solve (t(B) %*% B)) %*% t(B) %*% rn
b0 <- rcap[1,1]
b1 <- rcap[2,1]
b2 <- rcap[3,1]
b3 <- rcap[4,1]
scale_with <- function(k)
b0 + (b1*k) + (b2*sin( (2*pi*k)/L )) + (b3*cos( (2*pi*k)/L ))
forecast <- scale_with(1:m)
r0cap <- c(0,forecast)
xcap_tr <- r0cap + x0cap_GM
A <- 4
scale_with <- function(k)
(x0[1] - (b/a)) * exp(-a*k) * (1 - exp(a))
fitted_a <- scale_with(1 : n+A-1)
x0cap_GMa <- c(fitted_a)
predicted_a <- tail(x0cap_GMa,A)
n_a <- length(x0_A)
r0_a <- numeric(n_a)
for (i in 1:n_a){
r0_a[i] <-x0_A[i] - x0cap_GMa[i]
R_a <- r0_a[1:n_a]
rn_a <- matrix(c(R_a),ncol=1)
scale_with <- function(k)
b0 + (b1*k) + (b2*sin( (2*pi*k)/L )) + (b3*cos( (2*pi*k)/L ))
forecast_a <- scale_with(1:m+A)
r0cap_a <- tail(forecast_a,A)
xcap_tra <- r0cap_a + predicted_a
x0cap5 <- c(xcap_tra)
x0cap2 <- c(xcap_tr,x0cap5 )
# Fitted and predicted values
[Package Greymodels version 2.0.1 Index]