Multivariable {Greymodels} | R Documentation |
Multivariate sequences
A collection of grey forecasting models based on multiple variables.
x1 , x2 , x3 |
Raw data of 3 variables (training set) |
x01 , x02 |
Raw data of 2 variables (training set) |
dat_a |
Raw data of x02 (testing set) |
gm13 |
Grey multivariate model with first order differential equation and 3 variables |
igm13 |
Improved grey multivariate model with first order differential equation and 3 variables |
nhmgm1 |
Non-homogeneous multivariate grey model with first order differential equation and 2 variables with p = 1 |
nhmgm2 |
Non-homogeneous multivariate grey model with first order differential equation and 2 variables with p = 2 |
gmcg12 |
Multivariate grey convolution model with first order differential equation and 2 variables using the Gaussian rule |
gmc12 |
Multivariate grey convolution model with first order differential equation and 2 variables using the trapezoidal rule |
dbgm12 |
Multivariate grey model with dynamic background value, first order differential equation and 2 variables using the Gaussian rule |
fitted and predicted values
Cheng M, Li J, Liu Y, Liu B (2020). Forecasting Clean Energy Consumption in China by 2025: Using Improved Grey Model GM (1, N). Sustainability, 12(2), 1-20. DOI:10.3390/su12020698.
Wang H, Wang P, Senel M, Li T (2019). On Novel Non-homogeneous Multivariable Grey Forecasting Model NHMGM. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 1-13. DOI:10.1155/2019/9049815.
Ding S, Li R (2020). A New Multivariable Grey Convolution model based on Simpson's rule and its Application. Complexity, pp. 1-14. DOI:10.1155/2020/4564653.
Zeng B, Li C (2018). Improved Multivariable Grey Forecasting Model and with a Dynamic Background Value Coefficient and its Application. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 118, 278-290. DOI:10.1016/j.cie.2018.02.042.
# GMC_g (1, 2) model
# Input raw data
x01 <- c(897,897,890,876,848,814)
x02 <- c(514,495,444,401,352,293)
dat_a <- c(514,495,444,401,352,293,269,235,201,187)
x11 <- cumsum(x01)
x12 <- cumsum(x02)
n <- length(x01)
b11 <- numeric(n)
b12 <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n){
b11[i] <- -(0.5*x11[i + 1] + 0.5*x11[i])
b12[i] <- (0.5*x12[i + 1] + 0.5*x12[i])
b11a <- b11[1:n-1]
b12a <- b12[1:n-1]
mat1 <- matrix(c(b11a),ncol=1)
mat2 <- matrix(c(b12a),ncol=1)
mat3 <- matrix(1,nrow=n-1,ncol=1)
B <- cbind(mat1, mat2, mat3)
yn <- matrix(c(x01),ncol=1)
yn <- t(t(x01[2:n]))
xcap <- solve (t(B) %*% B) %*% t(B) %*% yn
beta1 <- xcap[1,1]
beta2 <- xcap[2,1]
u <- xcap[3,1]
fe <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n){
fe[i] <- beta2 * x12[i] + u
E <- matrix(c(fe[1:n]),ncol =1)
xrG <- replicate(n,0)
for (t in 2:n){
sm <- 0
for (e in 2:t){
sm <- sm + ( (exp(-beta1*(t - e + 0.5)))) * ( 0.5 * (E[e]+ E[e-1]) )
xrG[t] <- ( x01[1]*exp(-beta1*(t-1)) ) + sm
xcap1G <- c(x01[1],xrG[2:n])
fG <- numeric(n-1)
for (i in 1:n-1){
fG[i] <- (xcap1G[i+1] - xcap1G[i])
f1G <- fG[1:n-1]
x0cap <- matrix(c(x01[1],f1G[1:n-1]),ncol=1)
# Fitted values
A <- 4
newx02 <- as.numeric(unlist(dat_a))
m <- length(newx02)
newx12 <- cumsum(newx02)
fe_A <- numeric(m)
for (i in 1:m){
fe_A[i] <- beta2 * newx12[i] + u
E_A <- matrix(c(fe_A[1:m]),ncol =1)
xrG_A <- replicate(m,0)
for (t in 2:m){
sm <- 0
for (e in 2:t){
sm <- sm + ( (exp(-beta1*(t - e + 0.5)))) * ( 0.5 * (E_A[e]+ E_A[e-1]) )
xrG_A[t] <- ( x01[1]*exp(-beta1*(t-1)) ) + sm
xcap1G_A <- c(x01[1],xrG_A[2:m])
fG_A <- numeric(m-1)
for (i in 1:m-1){
fG_A[i] <- (xcap1G_A[i+1] - xcap1G_A[i])
f1G_A <- fG_A[1:m-1]
x0cap4 <- matrix(c(x01[1],f1G_A[1:m-1]),ncol=1)
x0cap5 <- tail(x0cap4,A)
# Predicted values
# Fitted & Predicted values
x0cap2 <- c(x0cap,x0cap5 )