matern_spacetime_categorical_local {GpGp}R Documentation

Space-Time Matern covariance function with local random effects for categories


From a matrix of locations and covariance parameters of the form (variance, spatial range, temporal range, smoothness, cat variance, cat spatial range, cat temporal range, cat smoothness, nugget), return the square matrix of all pairwise covariances. This is the covariance for the following model for data from cateogory k

Yk(xi,ti)=Z0(xi,ti)+Zk(xi,ti)+ei Y_k(x_i,t_i) = Z_0(x_i,t_i) + Z_k(x_i,t_i) + e_i

where Z_0 is Matern with parameters (variance,spatial range,temporal range,smoothness) and Z_1,...,Z_K are independent Materns with parameters (cat variance, cat spatial range, cat temporal range, cat smoothness), and e_1, ..., e_n are independent normals with variance (variance * nugget)


matern_spacetime_categorical_local(covparms, locs)

d_matern_spacetime_categorical_local(covparms, locs)



A vector with covariance parameters in the form (variance, spatial range, temporal range, smoothness, category, nugget)


A matrix with n rows and d columns. Each row of locs gives a point in R^d.


A matrix with n rows and n columns, with the i,j entry containing the covariance between observations at locs[i,] and locs[j,].



The covariance parameter vector is (variance, range, smoothness, category, nugget) = (σ2,α1,α2,ν,c2,τ2)(\sigma^2,\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\nu,c^2,\tau^2), and the covariance function is parameterized as

d=(xy2/α1+st2/α22)1/2 d = ( || x - y ||^2/\alpha_1 + |s-t|^2/\alpha_2^2 )^{1/2}

M(x,y)=σ221ν/Γ(ν)(d)νKν(d) M(x,y) = \sigma^2 2^{1-\nu}/\Gamma(\nu) (d)^\nu K_\nu(d)

(x,s) and (y,t) are the space-time locations of a pair of observations. The nugget value σ2τ2 \sigma^2 \tau^2 is added to the diagonal of the covariance matrix. The category variance c2c^2 is added if two observation from same category NOTE: the nugget is σ2τ2 \sigma^2 \tau^2 , not τ2 \tau^2 .

[Package GpGp version 0.5.0 Index]