GeomArchetypal-package |
Finds the Geometrical Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame |
BLB_archetypal |
Archetypal Analysis using the Bag of Little Bootstraps |
closer_grid_archetypal |
Performs the Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame by using as Archetypes the Closer to The Archetypal Grid Data Points |
fast_archetypal |
Performs the Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame by using a Given Set of Archetypes |
gallupGPS6 |
Gallup Global Preferences Study processed data set of six variables |
GeomArchetypal |
Finds the Geometrical Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame |
grid_archetypal |
Performs the Archetypal Analysis of a Data Frame by using as Archetypes the Archetypal Grid |
plot.closer_grid_archetypal |
Plot an Object of the Class closer_grid_archetypal |
plot.grid_archetypal |
Plot an Object of the class grid_archetypal |
points_inside_convex_hull |
Computes the Percentage of Points that Lie Inside the Convex Hull which is Created by a Set of Vectors |
print.BLB_archetypal |
Print an Object of the Class BLB_archetypal |
print.closer_grid_archetypal |
Print an Object of the closer_grid_archetypal |
print.grid_archetypal |
Print an Object of the Class grid_archetypal |
summary.BLB_archetypal |
Summarize an Object of the Class BLB_archetypal |
summary.closer_grid_archetypal |
Summary of an Object of the Class closer_grid_archetypal |
summary.grid_archetypal |
Summary of an Object of the Class grid_archetypal |