Calculating Geographic Range from Occurrence Data

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Documentation for package ‘GeoRange’ version 0.1.0

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BivalvePBDB Occurrence data on bivalves from the Ypresian Data from the Paleobiology Database via the velociraptr package on May 17th, 2017
CellCount Calculates degree x degree cell counts of a specified size
CHullArea Performs Convex Hull area calculation
CHullAreaEarth Performs convex hull area calculation from coordinate sets on the Earth's surface
CoordCollapse Removes duplicate geographic locations and binds coordinates into a single element
CoordList_PBDB Creates an occurrence matrix of taxa by coordinates from the Paleobiology Database
deg2rad Converts degrees to radians
EqualAreaRectangle Create a rectangular shaped distribution with equal area to a given area
GCD Calculates the maximum pairwise great circle distance from a set of decimal degree coordinates
gcd_hf Calculates the geodesic distance between two points specified by latitude and longitude using the Haversine formula
gcd_vif Calculates the geodesic distance between two points specified by latitude/longitude using Vincenty inverse formula for ellipsoids
GeoCor Function to calculate the correlation coefficient for pairwise comparisons between geographic range measures
GeoPerformance_SkewCV Function to calculate the skewness and coefficient of variance for a set of geographic range calculations
GeoRange_MultiTaxa Function to tabulate number of occurrences/locations, six geographic range measures, minimum and maximum latitude and longitude for each taxon in a dataset
GeoRarefaction_MultiTaxa Calculates six geographic range measures at resampled a number of time from specified sample sizes
GeoRarefaction_SingleTaxon Calculates six geographic range measures at specified sample sizes for a single taxon
hello Prints Hello, world!
HorseShoeArea Function to calcuate the area of a given horseshoe shape
LatRg Calculates the latitudinal range in degrees and kilometers
LongRg Calculates the longitudinal range in degrees and kilometers, assuming a latitude of 45 degrees for all points by default. Accounts for the possibility of wrapping around the globe.
MSTDist Calculates the minimum spanning tree distance, in kilometers, using Prim's Algorithm [1]
MSTDist_FromMat Calculates the minimum spanning tree distance, in kilometers, using Prim's Algorithm [1] and a previously calculated pairwsie distance matrix
PEE_MultiTaxa Function to compile the PBDB_PEE_SingleTaxon output for a list of taxa
PEE_SingleTaxon Function to calculate PEE [1] matrices for all the geographic range measures
PlotConvexHull Plots the minimum convex hull of a set of coordinates
PlotMST Plots the minimum spanning tree of a set of coordinates
Plot_Rarefaction Plots the measured value versus rarefied samples or percent error of estimates (PEE) of a rarefied samples for a geographic range measure
PtsAlgHorseShoe Function to find points along a horseshoe shape
PWMatrix Creates a sparse pairwise distance matrix of a coordinate set
RandHorseShoe Function to randomly generate points within a horseshoe-shape
RandRec Function to randomly generate points within a given rectangular shaped distribution