setup_X1 {GenericML}R Documentation

Setup function controlling the matrix X1X_1 in the BLP or GATES regression


Returns a list with three elements. The first element of the list, funs_Z, controls which functions of matrix Z are used as regressors in X1X_1. The second element, covariates, is an optional matrix of custom covariates that shall be included in X1X_1. The third element, fixed_effects, controls the inclusion of fixed effects.


setup_X1(funs_Z = c("B"), covariates = NULL, fixed_effects = NULL)



Character vector controlling the functions of Z to be included in X1X_1. Subset of c("S", "B", "p"), where "p" corresponds to the propensity scores, "B" to the proxy baseline estimates, and "S" to the proxy CATE estimates. Default is "B".


Optional numeric matrix containing additional covariates to be included in X1X_1. Default is NULL.


Numeric vector of integers that indicates cluster membership of the observations: For each cluster, a fixed effect will be added. Default is NULL for no fixed effects.


The output of this setup function is intended to be used as argument in the functions GenericML() and GenericML_single() (arguments X1_BLP, X1_GATES), as well as BLP() and GATES() (argument X1_control).


An object of class "setup_X1", consisting of the following components:


A character vector, being a subset of c("S", "B", "p").


Either NULL or a numeric matrix.


Either NULL or an integer vector indicating cluster membership.

See the description above for details.


Chernozhukov V., Demirer M., Duflo E., Fernández-Val I. (2020). “Generic Machine Learning Inference on Heterogenous Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04802. URL:

See Also

GenericML(), GenericML_single(), BLP(), GATES(), setup_vcov(), setup_diff()


n <- 100 # sample size
p <- 5   # number of covariates
covariates <- matrix(runif(n*p), n, p) # sample matrix of covariates

# let there be three clusters; assign membership randomly
fixed_effects <- sample(c(1,2,3), size = n, replace = TRUE)

# use BCA estimates in matrix X1
setup_X1(funs_Z = "B", covariates = NULL, fixed_effects = NULL)

# use BCA and propensity score estimates in matrix X1
# uses uniform covariates and fixed effects
setup_X1(funs_Z = c("B", "p"), covariates = covariates, fixed_effects = NULL)

[Package GenericML version 0.2.2 Index]