robust.g.test {GeneCycle}R Documentation

Robust g Test for Multiple (Genetic) Time Series


robust.g.test calculates the p-value(s) for a robust nonparametric version of Fisher's g-test (1929). Details of this approach are described in Ahdesmaki et al. (2005), along with an extensive discussion of its application to gene expression data. From GeneCycle 1.1.0 on the robust regression based method published in Ahdesmaki et al. (2007) is also implemented (using Tukey's biweight based M-estimation/regression.)

robust.spectrum computes a robust rank-based estimate of the periodogram/correlogram - see Ahdesmaki et al. (2005) for details. Alternatively it can also be used (since GeneCycle 1.1.0) for evaluating the robust regression based spectral estimates, suitable for processing non-uniformly sampled data (unknown periodicity time: return spectral estimates, known periodicity time: return p-values).


robust.g.test(y, index, perm = FALSE, x, noOfPermutations = 300, 
algorithm=c("rank", "regression"), t)
robust.spectrum(x, algorithm = c("rank", "regression"), t, 
periodicity.time = FALSE, noOfPermutations = 300)



the matrix consisting of the spectral estimates as column vectors


an index to the spectral estimates (RANK BASED APPROACH ONLY; for specifying a periodicity time in the regression approach, see the parameter periodicity.time) that is to be used in the testing for periodicity. If index is missing for the rank based approach, the maximum component of the spectral estimate is used in testing (regardless of the frequency of this maximum)


time (same units as in vector t) of period where periodicity will be detected (ROBUST REGRESSION BASED APPROACH ONLY) that is to be used in the search for periodicity. If periodicity.time is not given for the regression based approach, the whole spectrum is evaluated (more time consuming) and the maximum periodogram ordinate will be investigated


if perm is FALSE, a simulated distribution for the g-statistic is used (applies to the rank based approach only). If per perm is TRUE, permutation tests are used to find the distribution of the g-statistic for each time series separately. With the regression based approach (Ahdesmaki et al. 2007) permutation tests will always be used


a matrix consisting of the time series as column vectors. In robust.g.test only needed if permutation tests are used


number of permutations that are used for each time series (default = 300)


rank corresponds to the rank based approach (Ahdesmaki et al. 2005) and regression for the regression based approach (Ahdesmaki et al. 2007), which is more suitable for time series with non-uniform sampling (default = rank)


sampling time vector (only for the regression based approach)


Application of robust.g.test can be very computer intensive, especially the production of the distribution of the test statistics may take a lot of time. Therefore, this distribution (dependening on the length of the time series) is stored in an external file to avoid recomputation (see example below). When applying permutation tests no external file is used but the computation time will always be high.

For the general idea behind the Fisher's g test also see fisher.g.test which implements an analytic approach for g-testing. This is faster but not robust and also assumes Gaussian noise.

Note that when using the regression based approach there will regularly be warnings about the non-convergence of the regression (iteration limit default at 20 cycles in rlm).


robust.g.test returns a list of p-values. robust.spectrum returns a matrix where the column vectors correspond to the spectra corresponding to each time series. As an exception, if the robust regression based approach (Ahdesmaki et al. 2007) is used with a known periodicity time, the function robust.spectrum returns p-values (computation will take a lot of time depending on how many permutations are used per time series and time series length).


Miika Ahdesmaki (


Fisher, R.A. (1929). Tests of significance in harmonic analysis. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 125, 54–59.

Ahdesmaki, M., Lahdesmaki, H., Pearson, R., Huttunen, H., and Yli-Harja O. (2005). BMC Bioinformatics 6:117.

Ahdesmaki, M., Lahdesmaki, H., Gracey, A., Shmulevich, I., and Yli-Harja O. (2007). BMC Bioinformatics 8:233.

See Also

fdrtool, fisher.g.test.


## Not run: 

# load GeneCycle library

# load data set

# how many samples and and how many genes?

# robust, rank-based spectral estimator applied to first 5 genes
spe5 = robust.spectrum(caulobacter[,1:5])

# g statistics can be computed from the spectrum (internal use mostly 
# but can be checked here)
## g.statistic(spe5)

# robust p-values, use Monte Carlo simulation (not permutation tests) 
# to estimate the null hypothesis distribution
pval = robust.g.test(spe5)  # generates a file with the name "g_pop_length_11.txt"
pval = robust.g.test(spe5)  # second call: much faster..


# robust p-values, now look at index 4 (index can be anything from 1 
# (DC-level) to N (length of the time series and highest frequency))
pval = robust.g.test(spe5, 4)  # generates a file
pval = robust.g.test(spe5, 4)  # second call: much faster..


# delete the external files 

# Next let us see how the robust regression based approach can be 
# applied (Ahdesmaki et al. 2007)
# First: Unknown frequencies
y = robust.spectrum(x=caulobacter[,1:5],algorithm="regression", t=t)
pvals = robust.g.test(y = y, perm=TRUE, x=caulobacter[,1:5], 
noOfPermutations = 50, algorithm = "regression", t=t)

# The following example illustrates how to use the regression based 
# method if we have prior knowledge about the frequency/period time
# of periodicity
t = 0:9 # time indices
t = t + runif(10)-0.5 # make time indices non-uniform
A = 0.5 * matrix(rnorm(50),10,5)       # create random time series (no outliers)
A[,5]=A[,5]+matrix(sin(0.5*pi*t),10,1) # superimpose a sinusoidal
periodicity.time=4                     # where to look for periodicity
# note that now the function robust.spectrum returns the p-values (in 
# all other cases it will return spectral estimates):
t=t,periodicity.time=periodicity.time, noOfPermutations=50)
pvals  # 5th p-value is smallish, as expected

## End(Not run)

[Package GeneCycle version 1.1.5 Index]