aboutContent | GenEst Information |
aboutPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
aicc | Generic S3 function for summarizing AICc |
aicc.cpm | Extract AIC and AICc for a carcass persistence model |
aicc.cpmSet | Create the AICc tables for a set of carcass persistence models |
aicc.cpmSetSize | Create the AICc tables for a list of sets of searcher efficiency models |
aicc.pkm | extract AICc value from pkm object |
aicc.pkmSet | Create the AICc tables for a set of searcher efficiency models |
aicc.pkmSetSize | Create the AICc tables for a list of sets of searcher efficiency models |
aicc.pkmSize | Create the AICc tables for a list of sets of searcher efficiency models |
alogit | Compute the logit or anti-logit |
analysisPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
app_content | GenEst Information |
app_download_functions | GenEst app download funtions |
app_msg_functions | GenEst App Messages |
app_output_utilities | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
app_panels | app panel utility functions |
app_server | The GenEst server definition function |
app_ui | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
app_ui_utilities | HTML parameters |
app_utilities | app utilities |
app_widgets | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
averageSS | Tabulate an average search schedule from a multi-unit SS data table |
b | HTML parameters |
big | HTML parameters |
calcg | Calculate detection probability for given SE and CP parameters and search schedule. |
calcRate | Estimate the number of fatalities in each search interval throughout the monitoring period. |
calcSplits | Estimate the number of fatalities by up to two splitting covariates |
calcTsplit | Estimate the number of fatalities by time interval |
cButtonStyle | HTML parameters |
center | HTML parameters |
checkComponents | Check for model components |
checkDate | Checks whether a vector of data can be interpreted as dates |
checkSpecificModelCP | Error check a specific model selection for a CP plot |
checkSpecificModelSE | Error check a specific model selection for an SE plot |
classText | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
clearNotifications | GenEst App Messages |
combinePreds | Combine predictors |
combinePredsAcrossModels | Combine predictors across models |
countCarcs | Count the minimum number of carcasses in the cells |
CO_DWP | Associate CO carcasses with appropriate DWP values (by unit and carcass class) |
CPcols | Produce a named vector of standard CP plot colors |
CPdistOptions | Produce the options for the distributions in the CP model |
cpLogLik | Calculate the negative log-likelihood of a carcass persistence model |
cpm | Fit cp carcass persistence models |
cpm0 | Fit cp carcass persistence models |
CPMainPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
cpmCPCellPlot | Plot cell-specific decay curve for carcass persistence |
cpmFail | Check if a CP model is well-fit |
cpmSet | Fit cp carcass persistence models |
cpmSetFail | Check if cpm models fail |
cpmSetFailRemove | Remove failed cpm models from a 'cpmSet' object |
cpmSetSizeFail | Check if all of the cpm models fail |
cpmSetSizeFailRemove | Remove failed cpm models from a 'cpmSetSize' object |
cpmSetSpecCPCellPlot | Plot cell-specific decay curve for carcass persistence |
cpmSize | Fit cp carcass persistence models |
CPPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
CPSidebar | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
createvtext | GenEst Information |
dataDownloadWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
dataInputPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
dataInputSidebar | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
dataInputWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
dataTabPanel | app panel utility functions |
dateCols | Select the date columns from a data table |
dateToDay | Calculate day of study from calendar date |
defineUnitCol | Auto-parsing to find the name of the unit column ('unitCol') |
desc | Descriptive statistics for a fitted CP model |
disclaimersContent | GenEst Information |
disclaimersPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
disclaimerUSGS | GenEst Information |
disclaimerWEST | GenEst Information |
dlModTabSE | Create the download version of the Searcher Efficiency model table |
downloadCPFig | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadCPmod | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadgFig | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadgres | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadMFig | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadMres | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadSEFig | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadSEmod | GenEst app download funtions |
downloadsPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
downloadTable | GenEst app download funtions |
DWPCols | Select the DWP-ok columns from a data table |
dwpm | Fit density-weighted proportion (DWP) models. |
estg | Estimate all carcass-level detection rates and arrival intervals |
estgGeneric | Estimate generic g |
estgGenericSize | Estimate generic detection probability for multiple carcass classes |
estM | Estimate mortality |
estText | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
eventReaction | The GenEst server definition function |
expandModelSetCP | Expand a CP model set for plotting |
GeneralInputSidebar | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
GeneralInputsPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
GenEst | Generalized estimation of mortality |
GenEstAcknowledgements | GenEst Information |
GenEstAuthors | GenEst Information |
GenEstGUIauthors | GenEst Information |
GenEstInlineCSS | HTML parameters |
GenEstLicense | GenEst Information |
GenEstLogos | GenEst Information |
GenEstServer | The GenEst server definition function |
GenEstShinyJS | HTML parameters |
GenEstUI | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
gettingStartedContent | GenEst Information |
gettingStartedPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
gMainPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
gPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
gSidebar | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
helpPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
initialOutput | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
initialReactiveValues | app utilities |
kFixedWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
kFixedWidgetHeader | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
kFixedWidgetRow | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
li | HTML parameters |
loadedDataPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
logit | Compute the logit or anti-logit |
ltranspose | Transpose a list of arrays |
matchCells | model utility functions (not exported) |
MMainPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
mock | A mock example data set |
modelInputWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
modelOutputPanel | app panel utility functions |
modelOutputWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
modelRunWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
modelSelectionWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
modelSelectionWidgetHeader | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
modelSelectionWidgetRow | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
modelSetCells | model utility functions (not exported) |
modelSetModelCells | model utility functions (not exported) |
modelSetModelPredictors | model utility functions (not exported) |
modelSetPredictors | model utility functions (not exported) |
model_utility_functions | model utility functions (not exported) |
modNamePaste | app utilities |
modNameSplit | app utilities |
MPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
msgFracNote | GenEst App Messages |
msgList | GenEst App Messages |
msgModDone | GenEst App Messages |
msgModFail | GenEst App Messages |
msgModPartialFail | GenEst App Messages |
msgModRun | GenEst App Messages |
msgModSENobs | GenEst App Messages |
msgModWarning | GenEst App Messages |
msgSampleSize | GenEst App Messages |
msgSplitFail | GenEst App Messages |
msgSSavgFail | GenEst App Messages |
msgSSinputFail | GenEst App Messages |
MSidebar | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
navbar | HTML parameters |
obsCols_fta | Select the columns from a data table that could be CP First Time Absent observations |
obsCols_ltp | Select the columns from a data table that could be CP Last Time Present observations |
obsCols_SE | Select the columns from a data table that could be SE observations |
ol | HTML parameters |
pickSizeclass | app utilities |
pkLogLik | Calculate the negative log-likelihood of a searcher efficiency model |
pkm | Fit pk searcher efficiency models. |
pkm0 | Fit pk searcher efficiency models. |
pkmFail | Check if a pk model is well-fit |
pkmParamPlot | Plot parameter box plots for each cell for either p or k |
pkmSECellPlot | Plot cell-specific decay curve for searcher efficiency |
pkmSet | Fit pk searcher efficiency models. |
pkmSetAllFail | Check if all of the pkm models fail within a given set |
pkmSetFail | Check if pkm models fail |
pkmSetFailRemove | Remove failed pkm models from a 'pkmSet' object |
pkmSetSizeFail | Check if all of the pkm models fail |
pkmSetSizeFailRemove | Remove failed pkm models from a 'pkmSetSize' object |
pkmSetSpecParamPlot | p or k box plots for an SE model set |
pkmSetSpecSECellPlot | Plot cell-specific decay curve for searcher efficiency for a specific model with comparison to the cellwise model |
pkmSize | Fit pk searcher efficiency models. |
pllogis | The CDF of the loglogistic distribution |
plot.cpm | Plot results of a single CP model |
plot.cpmSet | Plot results of a set of CP models |
plot.estM | Plot total mortality estimation |
plot.gGeneric | Plot results of a single generic ghat estimation |
plot.gGenericSize | Plot results of a set of size-based generic ghat estimations |
plot.pkm | Plot results of a single pk model |
plot.pkmSet | Plot results of a set of SE models |
plot.splitFull | Plot summary statistics for splits of mortality estimates |
plot.splitSummary | Plot summary statistics for splits of mortality estimates |
plotCPCells | Plot the cellwise results of a single model in a set of CP models |
plotCPFigure | Plot results of a single CP model in a set |
plotCPHeader | The CP plot header |
plotNA | app utilities |
plotSEBoxPlots | p and k box plots for an SE model set |
plotSEBoxTemplate | template box plot |
plotSECells | Plot the cellwise results of a single model in a set of SE models |
plotSEFigure | Plot results of a single SE model in a set |
plotSEHeader | The SE plot header |
ppersist | Calculate the probability of persistence to detection |
predsCols | Select the predictor-ok columns from a data table |
prepPredictors | Prepare predictors based on inputs |
prepSizeclassText | app utilities |
prepSS | Create search schedule data into an prepSS object for convenient splits analyses |
preTextMaker | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
prettyModTabCP | Create the pretty version of the Carcass Persistence model table |
prettyModTabSE | Create the pretty versions of model and summary tables |
prettySplitTab | Create the pretty version of the split summary table |
print.cpm | Print a 'cpm' model object |
print.pkm | Print a 'pkm' model object |
qpk | Quantiles of marginal distributions of \hat{p} and \hat{k} |
rcp | Simulate parameters from a fitted cp model |
rdwp | Simulate parameters from a fitted dwp model |
reaction | The GenEst server definition function |
reactionMessageDone | The GenEst server definition function |
reactionMessageRun | The GenEst server definition function |
readCSV | Read in csv files in either format |
refMod | Return the model with the greatest log-likelihood |
removeCols | Remove selected columns from column names |
reNULL | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
reVal | app utilities |
rpk | Simulate parameters from a fitted pk model |
runGenEst | Launch the GenEst Application |
SEcols | Produce a named vectory with standard SE plot colors |
selectData | app utilities |
selectedDataPanel | app panel utility functions |
SEMainPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
SEPanel | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
SEpanel | Produce a single panel in an SE summary/diagnostic plot |
SEsi | Calculate decayed searcher efficiency |
SEsi0 | Calculate decayed searcher efficiency for a single pk |
SESidebar | Create the GenEst User Interface HTML |
SEsi_left | Calculate conditional probability of observation at a search |
SEsi_right | Calculate conditional probability of observation after a series of searches |
setFigH | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
setFigW | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
setkNeed | app utilities |
setNotSuspending | app utilities for formatting text, tables, figs, etc. for display |
simpleMplot | Plot a total mortality estimation for a simple situation |
sizeCols | Select the potential carcass class columns from a data table |
small | HTML parameters |
solar_powerTower | Power Tower Example Dataset |
solar_PV | Photovoltaic Example Dataset |
solar_trough | Trough-based solar thermal power simulated example |
splitButtonWidget | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
style | HTML parameters |
summary.estM | Summarize total mortality estimation |
summary.gGeneric | Summarize the gGeneric list to a simple table |
summary.gGenericSize | Summarize the gGenericSize list to a list of simple tables |
summary.splitFull | Summarize results of mortality estimate splits |
tidyModelSetCP | Tidy a CP model set |
tidyModelSetSE | Tidy an SE model set |
transposeSplits | Transpose a 'splitFull' array (preserving attributes) |
trimSetSize | Trim a Model-Set-Size Complex to a Single Model Per Size |
u | HTML parameters |
ul | HTML parameters |
updateColNames_size | app utilities |
updateSizeclasses | app utilities |
updatesizeCol | app utilities |
update_input | Update the inputs when an event occurs |
update_output | Update the outputs when an event occurs |
update_rv | Update the reactive value list when an event occurs |
widgetMaker | Create and manage widgets for data input, function execution, data output |
wind_cleared | Wind cleared plot (60m) Search Example |
wind_RP | Wind Road and Pad (120m) Example |
wind_RPbat | Wind Bat-Only Road and Pad (120m) Example |