NGeDSboost {GeDS}R Documentation

Component-wise gradient boosting with NGeDS base-learners


NGeDSboost performs component-wise gradient boosting (Bühlmann and Yu (2003), Bühlmann and Hothorn (2007)) using normal GeD splines (i.e., fitted with NGeDS function) as base-learners (see Dimitrova et al. (2024)).


  weights = NULL,
  normalize_data = FALSE,
  family = mboost::Gaussian(),
  link = NULL,
  initial_learner = TRUE,
  int.knots_init = 2L,
  shrinkage = 1,
  beta = 0.5,
  phi = 0.99,
  int.knots_boost = 500L,
  q = 2L,
  phi_boost_exit = 0.99,
  q_boost = 2L,
  higher_order = TRUE,
  boosting_with_memory = FALSE



a description of the structure of the model to be fitted, including the dependent and independent variables. Unlike NGeDS and GGeDS, the formula specified allows for multiple additive GeD spline regression components (as well as linear components) to be included (e.g., Y ~ f(X1) + f(X2) + X3). See formula for further details.


a data frame containing the variables referenced in the formula.


an optional vector of ‘prior weights’ to be put on the observations during the fitting process. It should be NULL or a numeric vector of the same length as the response variable defined in the formula.


a logical that defines whether the data should be normalized (standardized) before fitting the baseline linear model, i.e., before running the FGB algorithm. Normalizing the data involves scaling the predictor variables to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. This process alters the scale and interpretation of the knots and coefficients estimated. Default is equal to FALSE.


determines the loss function to be optimized by the boosting algorithm. In case initial_learner = FALSE it also determines the corresponding empirical risk minimizer to be used as offset initial learner. By default, it is set to mboost::Gaussian(). Users can specify any Family object from the mboost package.


in case the Family object has not the desired link function you can specify it here.


a logical value. If set to TRUE, the model's initial learner will be a normal GeD spline. If set to FALSE, then the initial predictor will consist of the empirical risk minimizer corresponding to the specified family. Note that if initial_learner = TRUE, family must be mboost::Gaussian().


optional parameter allowing the user to set a maximum number of internal knots to be added by the initial GeDS learner in case initial_learner = TRUE. Default is equal to 2L.


optional parameter to manually set a minimum number of boosting iterations to be run. If not specified, it defaults to 0L.


optional parameter to manually set the maximum number of boosting iterations to be run. If not specified, it defaults to 100L. This setting serves as a fallback when the stopping rule, based on consecutive deviances and tuned by phi_boost_exit and q_boost, does not trigger an earlier termination (see Dimitrova et al. (2024)). Therefore, users can increase/decrease the number of boosting iterations, by increasing/decreasing the value phi_boost_exit and/or# q_boost, or directly specify max_iterations.


numeric parameter in the interval [0,1][0,1] defining the step size or shrinkage parameter. This controls the size of the steps taken in the direction of the gradient of the loss function. In other words, the magnitude of the update each new iteration contributes to the final model. Default is equal to 1.


numeric parameter in the interval [0,1][0,1] tuning the knot placement in stage A of GeDS. Default is equal to 0.5. See details in NGeDS.


numeric parameter in the interval [0,1][0,1] specifying the threshold for the stopping rule (model selector) in stage A of GeDS. Default is equal to 0.99. See details in NGeDS.


The maximum number of internal knots that can be added by the GeDS base-learners in each boosting iteration, effectively setting the value of max.intknots in NGeDS at each boosting iteration. Default is 500L.


numeric parameter which allows to fine-tune the stopping rule of stage A of GeDS, by default equal to 2L. See details in NGeDS.


numeric parameter in the interval [0,1][0,1] specifying the threshold for the boosting iterations stopping rule. Default is equal to 0.995.


numeric parameter which allows to fine-tune the boosting iterations stopping rule, by default equal to 2L.


a logical that defines whether to compute the higher order fits (quadratic and cubic) after the FGB algorithm is run. Default is TRUE.


logical value. If TRUE, boosting is performed taking into account previously fitted knots when fitting a GeDS learner at each new boosting iteration. If boosting_with_memory is TRUE, we recommend setting int.knots_init = 1 and int.knots_boost = 1.


The NGeDSboost function implements functional gradient boosting algorithm for some pre-defined loss function, using linear GeD splines as base learners. At each boosting iteration, the negative gradient vector is fitted through the base procedure encapsulated within the NGeDS function. The latter constructs a Geometrically Designed variable knots spline regression model for a response having a Normal distribution. The FGB algorithm yields a final linear fit. Higher order fits (quadratic and cubic) are then computed by calculating the Schoenberg’s variation diminishing spline (VDS) approximation of the linear fit.

On the one hand, NGeDSboost includes all the parameters of NGeDS, which in this case tune the base-learner fit at each boosting iteration. On the other hand, NGeDSboost includes some additional parameters proper to the FGB procedure. We describe the main ones as follows.

First, family allows to specify the loss function and corresponding risk function to be optimized by the boosting algorithm. If initial_learner = FALSE, the initial learner employed will be the empirical risk minimizer corresponding to the family chosen. If initial_learner = TRUE then the initial learner will be an NGeDS fit with maximum number of internal knots equal to int.knots_init.

shrinkage tunes the step length/shrinkage parameter which helps to control the learning rate of the model. In other words, when a new base learner is added to the ensemble, its contribution to the final prediction is multiplied by the shrinkage parameter. The smaller shrinkage is, the slower/more gradual the learning process will be, and viceversa.

The number of boosting iterations is controlled by a Ratio of Deviances stopping rule similar to the one presented for GGeDS. In the same way phi and q tune the stopping rule of GGeDS, phi_boost_exit and q_boost tune the stopping rule of NGeDSboost. The user can also manually control the number of boosting iterations through min_iterations and max_iterations.


GeDSboost-Class object, i.e. a list of items that summarizes the main details of the fitted FGB-GeDS model. See GeDSboost-Class for details. Some S3 methods are available in order to make these objects tractable, such as coef, knots, print and predict. Also variable importance measures (bl_imp) and improved plotting facilities (visualize_boosting).


Friedman, J.H. (2001). Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine. The Annals of Statistics, 29 (5), 1189–1232.
DOI: doi:10.1214/aos/1013203451

Bühlmann P., Yu B. (2003). Boosting With the L2 Loss. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98(462), 324–339. doi:10.1198/016214503000125

Bühlmann P., Hothorn T. (2007). Boosting Algorithms: Regularization, Prediction and Model Fitting. Statistical Science, 22(4), 477 – 505.
DOI: doi:10.1214/07-STS242

Kaishev, V.K., Dimitrova, D.S., Haberman, S. and Verrall, R.J. (2016). Geometrically designed, variable knot regression splines. Computational Statistics, 31, 1079–1105.
DOI: doi:10.1007/s00180-015-0621-7

Dimitrova, D. S., Kaishev, V. K., Lattuada, A. and Verrall, R. J. (2023). Geometrically designed variable knot splines in generalized (non-)linear models. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 436.
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.amc.2022.127493

Dimitrova, D. S., Guillen, E. S. and Kaishev, V. K. (2024). GeDS: An R Package for Regression, Generalized Additive Models and Functional Gradient Boosting, based on Geometrically Designed (GeD) Splines. Manuscript submitted for publication.

See Also

NGeDS; GGeDS; GeDSboost-Class; S3 methods such as knots.GeDSboost; coef.GeDSboost; deviance.GeDSboost; predict.GeDSboost


################################# Example 1 #################################
# Generate a data sample for the response variable
# Y and the single covariate X
N <- 500
f_1 <- function(x) (10*x/(1+100*x^2))*4+4
X <- sort(runif(N, min = -2, max = 2))
# Specify a model for the mean of Y to include only a component
# non-linear in X, defined by the function f_1
means <- f_1(X)
# Add (Normal) noise to the mean of Y
Y <- rnorm(N, means, sd = 0.2)
data = data.frame(X, Y)

# Fit a Normal FGB-GeDS regression using NGeDSboost

Gmodboost <- NGeDSboost(Y ~ f(X), data = data)
MSE_Gmodboost_linear <- mean((sapply(X, f_1) - Gmodboost$predictions$pred_linear)^2)
MSE_Gmodboost_quadratic <- mean((sapply(X, f_1) - Gmodboost$predictions$pred_quadratic)^2)
MSE_Gmodboost_cubic <- mean((sapply(X, f_1) - Gmodboost$predictions$pred_cubic)^2)

cat("\n", "MEAN SQUARED ERROR", "\n",
    "Linear NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_linear, "\n",
    "Quadratic NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_quadratic, "\n",
    "Cubic NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_cubic, "\n")

# Compute predictions on new randomly generated data
X <- sort(runif(100, min = -2, max = 2))

pred_linear <- predict(Gmodboost, newdata = data.frame(X), n = 2L)
pred_quadratic <- predict(Gmodboost, newdata = data.frame(X), n = 3L)
pred_cubic <- predict(Gmodboost, newdata = data.frame(X), n = 4L)

MSE_Gmodboost_linear <- mean((sapply(X, f_1) - pred_linear)^2)
MSE_Gmodboost_quadratic <- mean((sapply(X, f_1) - pred_quadratic)^2)
MSE_Gmodboost_cubic <- mean((sapply(X, f_1) - pred_cubic)^2)
cat("\n", "MEAN SQUARED ERROR", "\n",
    "Linear NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_linear, "\n",
    "Quadratic NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_quadratic, "\n",
    "Cubic NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_cubic, "\n")

## S3 methods for class 'GeDSboost'
# Print 
# Knots
knots(Gmodboost, n = 2L)
knots(Gmodboost, n = 3L)
knots(Gmodboost, n = 4L)
# Coefficients
coef(Gmodboost, n = 2L)
coef(Gmodboost, n = 3L)
coef(Gmodboost, n = 4L)
# Deviances
deviance(Gmodboost, n = 2L)
deviance(Gmodboost, n = 3L)
deviance(Gmodboost, n = 4L)

############################ Example 2 - Bodyfat ############################
data("bodyfat", package = "")

Gmodboost <- NGeDSboost(formula = DEXfat ~ age + f(hipcirc, waistcirc) + f(kneebreadth),
data = bodyfat)

MSE_Gmodboost_linear <- mean((bodyfat$DEXfat - Gmodboost$predictions$pred_linear)^2)
MSE_Gmodboost_quadratic <- mean((bodyfat$DEXfat - Gmodboost$predictions$pred_quadratic)^2)
MSE_Gmodboost_cubic <- mean((bodyfat$DEXfat - Gmodboost$predictions$pred_cubic)^2)
# Comparison
cat("\n", "MSE", "\n",
    "Linear NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_linear, "\n",
    "Quadratic NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_quadratic, "\n",
    "Cubic NGeDSboost:", MSE_Gmodboost_cubic, "\n")

[Package GeDS version 0.2.3 Index]