Georgia {GWmodel} | R Documentation |
Georgia census data set (csv file)
Census data from the county of Georgia, USA
A data frame with 159 observations on the following 13 variables.
- AreaKey
An identification number for each county
- Latitude
The latitude of the county centroid
- Longitud
The longitude of the county centroid
- TotPop90
Population of the county in 1990
- PctRural
Percentage of the county population defined as rural
- PctBach
Percentage of the county population with a bachelors degree
- PctEld
Percentage of the county population aged 65 or over
- PctFB
Percentage of the county population born outside the US
- PctPov
Percentage of the county population living below the poverty line
- PctBlack
Percentage of the county population who are black
- ID
a numeric vector of IDs
- X
a numeric vector of x coordinates
- Y
a numeric vector of y coordinates
This data set can also be found in GWR 3 and in spgwr.
Fotheringham S, Brunsdon, C, and Charlton, M (2002), Geographically Weighted Regression: The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships, Chichester: Wiley.
coords <- cbind(Gedu.df$X, Gedu.df$Y)
educ.spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords, Gedu.df)
spplot(educ.spdf, names(educ.spdf)[4:10])