ZicoSeq.plot {GUniFrac} | R Documentation |
A Plot Function for Visualizing the ZicoSeq Results
produces volcano plots with the y-axis being the log10 (adjusted) p-value and the x-axis being the signed R^2^
with the sign indicating the association direction determined based on the sign of the regression coefficients (for multi-categorical
variables, sign is not applicable). The names of differential taxa passing a specific cutoff will be printed on the figure.
When data types are counts and proportions, the mean abundance and prevalence will be visualized; when the data type is 'other',
mean and standard deviation of the features will be visualized. Users need to set return.feature.dat = T
when using the plot function.
pvalue.type = c('p.adj.fdr','p.raw','p.adj.fwer'),
cutoff = 0.1,
text.size = 10,
out.dir = NULL,
file.name = 'ZicoSeq.plot.pdf',
width = 10,
height = 6)
ZicoSeq.obj |
object from calling the function |
pvalue.type |
character string, one of 'p.adj.fdr','p.raw' and 'p.adj.fwer'. |
cutoff |
a cutoff between 0 and 1 for pvalue.type, below which the names of the features will be printed. |
text.size |
text size for the plots. |
out.dir |
character string; the directory to save the figure, e.g., |
file.name |
character string; name of the file to be saved. |
width |
the width of the graphics region in inches. See R function |
height |
the height of the graphics region in inches. See R function |
gtable of aligned plots from ggarrange
Lu Yang, Jun Chen
Yang, L. & Chen, J. 2022. A comprehensive evaluation of differential abundance analysis methods: current status and potential solutions. Microbiome. Microbiome, 10(1), 1-23.
See Also
comm <- t(throat.otu.tab)
meta.dat <- throat.meta
# For count data
zico.obj <- ZicoSeq(meta.dat = meta.dat, feature.dat = comm,
grp.name = 'SmokingStatus', adj.name = 'Sex', feature.dat.type = "count",
# Filter to remove rare taxa
prev.filter = 0.2, mean.abund.filter = 0, max.abund.filter = 0.002, min.prop = 0,
# Winsorization to replace outliers
is.winsor = TRUE, outlier.pct = 0.03, winsor.end = 'top',
# Posterior sampling to impute zeros
is.post.sample = TRUE, post.sample.no = 25,
# Multiple link functions to capture diverse taxon-covariate relation
link.func = list(function (x) x^0.25, function (x) x^0.5, function (x) x^0.75),
stats.combine.func = max,
# Permutation-based multiple testing correction
perm.no = 99, strata = NULL,
# Reference-based multiple stage normalization
ref.pct = 0.5, stage.no = 6, excl.pct = 0.2,
# Family-wise error rate control
is.fwer = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE, return.feature.dat = TRUE)
which(zico.obj$p.adj.fdr <= 0.1)
ZicoSeq.plot(ZicoSeq.obj = zico.obj, pvalue.type = 'p.adj.fdr',
cutoff = 0.1, text.size = 10, out.dir = NULL, width = 15, height = 10)