Sieve_NPMLE_Switch {GSSE} | R Documentation |
Sieve_NPMLE_Switch function
This function is used to estimate the genotype-specific distribution of time-to-event outcomes with the Sieve-NPMLE switch algorithm.
Sieve_NPMLE_Switch (Y, p0G, Delta, px, Grid, Knot, degree, maxiter=400, ep=1e-05)
Y |
observed event times or censoring times. |
p0G |
probabilities of being a carrier. |
Delta |
indicators of event. |
px |
grid points at which the distribution function values are estimated. |
Grid |
grid points used for plots. |
Knot |
number of knots. |
degree |
degree of the B-spline base functions. |
maxiter |
maximum number of iterations. |
ep |
convergence criterion, default is |
This function is used to estimate the distribution of the age-at-onset of Parkinsons disease for carriers' and non-carriers' mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2, LRRK2, gene. Please refer to Wang et al. (2015) for more details.
This function returns a list of prediction values for classes
lamb1.hat |
estimated values of hazard function for the carrier group. |
lamb2.hat |
estimated values of hazard function for the non-carrier group. |
Lamb1 |
estimated values of cumulative hazard function for the carrier group. |
Lamb2 |
estimated values of cumulative hazard function for the non-carrier group. |
Converge |
convergence status. |
Wang, Y., Liang, B., Tong, X., Marder, K., Bressman, S., Orr-Urtreger, A., Giladi, N. & Zeng, D. (2015). Efficient estimation of nonparametric genetic risk function with censored data. Biometrika, 102(3), 515-532.
See Also
, Sieve_NPMLE_Bootstrap()
and Permutation_Test()
OY = Simulated_data[,2];
ind = order(OY);
ODelta = Simulated_data[,3];
Op0G = Simulated_data[,4];
Y = OY[ind];
Delta = ODelta[ind];
p0G = Op0G[ind];
Grid = seq(0.2, 3.65, 0.05);
fix_t1 = c(0.288, 0.693, 1.390);
fix_t2 = c(0.779, 1.860, 3.650);
px = seq(0.01, 3.65, 0.01);
SieveNPMLE_result = Sieve_NPMLE_Switch( Y=Y, Delta=Delta, p0G=p0G,
px=px, Grid=Grid,
Knot=6, degree=3 );
# 'Sieve_NPMLE_Switch' only returns values of hazard function
# or cumulative hazard function of mutation groups, in practice, we only
# need to do a little bit more as follows for calculating the
# cumulative distribution values of mutation groups.
Lambda_1.hat = cumsum( SieveNPMLE_result$lamb1.hat );
Lambda_2.hat = cumsum( SieveNPMLE_result$lamb2.hat );
F_carr_func = function(x){ 1 - exp(- max( Lambda_1.hat[Y <= x] ) ) }
F_non_func = function(x){ 1 - exp(- max( Lambda_2.hat[Y <= x] ) ) }
est.f1 = apply(matrix(fix_t1, ncol=1), 1, F_carr_func );
est.f2 = apply(matrix(fix_t2, ncol=1), 1, F_non_func );
estp = data.frame( fix_t1 = fix_t1, F_carr_t1 = est.f1,
fix_t2 = fix_t2, F_non_t2 = est.f2 );
# plot estimated curves
F_carr = apply( matrix(px, ncol=1), 1, F_carr_func );
F_non = apply( matrix(px, ncol=1), 1, F_non_func );
plot( px, F_carr, type='s', lty=1, ylim=c(0, 1), xlab="Y",
ylab="Estimated Cumulative Distribution Function", col='blue' );
lines(px, F_non, type='s', lty=2, col='red');
legend("topleft", legend=c("Carrier group", "Non-Carrier group"),
lty=c(1,2), col=c("blue","red") );