Gamma Shape Mixture

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Documentation for package ‘GSM’ version 1.3.2

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GSM-package Estimation of a Gamma Shape Mixture Model
allcurves.q Utility Function
dgsm Utility Function
estim.gsm Estimation of a Gamma Shape Mixture Model (GSM) with collapsing
estim.gsm_theta Estimation of a Gamma Shape Mixture Model (GSM)
gsm-class Class "gsm". Result of Gamma Shape Mxiture Estimation.
GSMDist Utility Function
initialize-method Class "gsm". Result of Gamma Shape Mxiture Estimation.
pgsm Utility Function
plot-method Plot of a Gamma Shape Mixture Model
plot-methods Plot of a Gamma Shape Mixture Model
predict-method Tail Probability Estimation for a Gamma Shape Mixture Model
predict-methods Tail Probability Estimation for a Gamma Shape Mixture Model
qgsm Utility Function
rgsm Utility Function
summary-method Summarizing Gamma Shape Mixtures
summary-methods Summarizing Gamma Shape Mixtures