gsmoothing {GSD} | R Documentation |
Smoothing a Graph Signal
This function denoises a graph signal.
gsmoothing(ad_mat, signal)
ad_mat |
an weighted adjacency matrix. |
signal |
a graph signal. |
This function denoises a graph signal utilizing the graph Fourier transform and empirical Bayes thresholding.
a denoised signal.
Ortega, A., Frossard, P., Kovačević, J., Moura, J. M. F., and Vandergheynst, P. (2018). Graph signal processing: overview, challenges, and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE 106, 808–828. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2018.2820126
Shuman, D. I., Narang, S. K., Frossard, P., Ortega, A., and Vandergheynst, P. (2013). The emerging field of signal processing on graphs: Extending high-dimensional data analysis to networks and other irregular domains. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(3), 83–98. doi:10.1109/MSP.2012.2235192
Johnstone, I. and Silverman, B.~W. (2004). Needles and straw in haystacks: empirical Bayes estimates of possibly sparse sequences. The Annals of Statistics, 32, 594–1649. doi:10.1214/009053604000000030
See Also
, ginterpolating
, sgemd
#### example : composite of two components having different frequencies
## define vertex coordinate
x <- y <- seq(0, 1, length=30)
xy <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y)
## weighted adjacency matrix by Gaussian kernel
## for connecting vertices within distance 0.04
A <- adjmatrix(xy, method = "dist", 0.04)
## signal
# high-frequency component
signal1 <- rep(sin(12.5*pi*x - 1.25*pi), 30)
# low-frequency component
signal2 <- rep(sin(5*pi*x - 0.5*pi), 30)
# composite signal
signal0 <- signal1 + signal2
# noisy signal with SNR(signal-to-noise ratio)=5
signal <- signal0 + rnorm(900, 0, sqrt(var(signal0) / 5))
# graph with signal
gsig <- gsignal(vertex = cbind(xy, signal), edge = A, edgetype = "matrix")
# local extrema using graph object
extremaout <- gextrema(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"), V(gsig)$z)
maxima <- extremaout$maxima_list; minima <- extremaout$minima_list
# Interpolation of upper, lower and mean envelope
uenvelope <- ginterpolating(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"),
V(gsig)$z, maxima)
lenvelope <- ginterpolating(as_adjacency_matrix(gsig, attr="weight"),
V(gsig)$z, minima)
# smoothing upper, lower and mean envelope
suenvelope <- gsmoothing(A, uenvelope)
slenvelope <- gsmoothing(A, lenvelope)
smenvelope <- (suenvelope + slenvelope) / 2
# display a graph signal
gplot(gsig, size=3, legend=FALSE)
# display mean envelope
gplot(gsig, smenvelope, size=3, legend=FALSE)