GSA {GSA} | R Documentation |
Gene set analysis
Determines the significance of pre-defined sets of genes with respect to an outcome variable, such as a group indicator, a quantitative variable or a survival time
GSA(x,y, genesets, genenames,
resp.type=c("Quantitative","Two class unpaired","Survival","Multiclass",
"Two class paired", "tCorr", "taCorr"),
censoring.status=NULL,random.seed=NULL, knn.neighbors=10,
s0=NULL, s0.perc=NULL,minsize=15,maxsize=500,
xl.time=NULL, xl.prevfit=NULL)
x |
Data x: p by n matrix of features (expression values), one observation per column (missing values allowed); y: n-vector of outcome measurements |
y |
Vector of response values: 1,2 for two class problem, or 1,2,3 ... for multiclass problem, or real numbers for quantitative or survival problems |
genesets |
Gene set collection (a list) |
genenames |
Vector of genenames in expression dataset |
method |
Method for summarizing a gene set: "maxmean" (default), "mean" or "absmean" |
resp.type |
Problem type: "quantitative" for a continuous parameter; "Two class unpaired" ; "Survival" for censored survival outcome; "Multiclass" : more than 2 groups, coded 1,2,3...; "Two class paired" for paired outcomes, coded -1,1 (first pair), -2,2 (second pair), etc |
censoring.status |
Vector of censoring status values for survival problems, 1 mean death or failure, 0 means censored |
random.seed |
Optional initial seed for random number generator (integer) |
knn.neighbors |
Number of nearest neighbors to use for imputation of missing features values |
s0 |
Exchangeability factor for denominator of test statistic; Default is automatic choice |
s0.perc |
Percentile of standard deviation values to use for s0; default is automatic choice; -1 means s0=0 (different from s0.perc=0, meaning s0=zeroeth percentile of standard deviation values= min of sd values) |
minsize |
Minimum number of genes in genesets to be considered |
maxsize |
Maximum number of genes in genesets to be considered |
restand |
Should restandardization be done? Default TRUE |
restand.basis |
What should be used to do the restandardization? The set of genes in the genesets ("catalog", the default) or the genes in the data set ("data") |
nperms |
Number of permutations used to estimate false discovery rates |
xl.mode |
Used by Excel interface |
xl.time |
Used by Excel interface |
xl.prevfit |
Used by Excel interface |
Carries out a Gene set analysis, as described in the paper by Efron and Tibshirani (2006). It differs from a Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (Subramanian et al 2006) in its use of the "maxmean" statistic: this is the mean of the positive or negative part of gene scores in the gene set, whichever is large in absolute values. Efron and Tibshirani shows that this is often more powerful than the modified KS statistic used in GSEA. GSA also does "restandardization" of the genes (rows), on top of the permutation of columns (done in GSEA). Gene set analysis is applicable to microarray data and other data with a large number of features. This is also the R package that is called by the "official" SAM Excel package v3.0. The format of the response vector y and the calling sequence is illustrated in the examples below. A more complete description is given in the SAM manual at
A list with components
GSA.scores |
Gene set scores for each gene set |
GSA.scores.perm |
Matrix of Gene set scores from permutions, one column per permutation |
fdr.lo |
Estimated false discovery rates for negative gene sets (negative means lower expression correlates with class 2 in two sample problems, lower expression correlates with increased y for quantitative problems, lower expression correlates with higher risk for survival problems) |
fdr.hi |
Estimated false discovery rates for positive gene sets; positive is opposite of negative, as defined above |
pvalues.lo |
P-values for negative gene sets |
pvalues.hi |
P-values for positive gene sets | |
Information from restandardization process | |
Information from restandardization process in permutations |
ngenes |
Number of genes in union of gene sets |
nperms |
Number of permutations used |
gene.scores |
Individual gene scores (eg t-statistics for two class problem) |
s0 |
Computed exchangeability factor |
s0.perc |
Computed percentile of standard deviation values. s0= s0.perc percentile of the gene standard deviations |
call |
The call to GSA |
x |
For internal use |
y |
For internal use |
genesets |
For internal use |
genenames |
For internal use |
r.obs |
For internal use | |
For internal use |
gs.mat |
For internal use |
gs.ind |
For internal use |
catalog |
For internal use |
catalog.unique |
For internal use |
Robert Tibshirani
Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. On testing the significance of sets of genes. Stanford tech report rep 2006.
Subramanian, A. and Tamayo, P. Mootha, V. K. and Mukherjee, S. and Ebert, B. L. and Gillette, M. A. and Paulovich, A. and Pomeroy, S. L. and Golub, T. R. and Lander, E. S. and Mesirov, J. P. (2005) A knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles. PNAS. 102, pg 15545-15550.
######### two class unpaired comparison
# y must take values 1,2
#create some random gene sets
for(i in 1:50){
GSA.obj<-GSA(x,y, genenames=genenames, genesets=genesets,
resp.type="Two class unpaired", nperms=100)
GSA.listsets(GSA.obj, geneset.names=geneset.names,FDRcut=.5)
#to use "real" gene set collection, we read it in from a gmt file:
# geneset.obj<-"file.gmt")
# where file.gmt is a gene set collection from GSEA collection or
# or the website, or one
# that you have created yourself. Then
# GSA.obj<-GSA(x,y, genenames=genenames, genesets=geneset.obj$genesets,
# resp.type="Two class unpaired", nperms=100)