Genomic Regression Workbench

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Documentation for package ‘GROAN’ version 1.3.1

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addRegressor Add an extra regressor to a Workbench
are.compatible Check two GROAN.NoisyDataSet for dimension compatibility
createNoisyDataset Noisy Data Set Constructor
createRunId Generate a random run id
createWorkbench Workbench constructor
getNoisyPhenotype Generate an instance of noisy phenotypes
GROAN.AI Example data for pea AI lines
GROAN.KI Example data for pea KI lines
GROAN.pea.kinship [DEPRECATED]
GROAN.pea.yield [DEPRECATED] Compare Genomic Regressors on a Noisy Dataset
measurePredictionPerformance Measure Performance of a Prediction
ndcg Function to calculate mean Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)
noiseInjector.dummy Noise Injector dummy function
noiseInjector.norm Inject Normal Noise
noiseInjector.swapper Swap phenotypes between samples
noiseInjector.unif Inject Uniform Noise
phenoRegressor.BGLR Regression using BGLR package
phenoregressor.BGLR.multikinships Multi-matrix GBLUP using BGLR
phenoRegressor.dummy Regression dummy function
phenoRegressor.RFR Random Forest Regression using package randomForest
phenoRegressor.rrBLUP SNP-BLUP or G-BLUP using rrBLUP package
phenoRegressor.SVR Support Vector Regression using package e1071
plotResult Plot results of a run
print.GROAN.NoisyDataset Print a GROAN Noisy Dataset object
print.GROAN.Workbench Print a GROAN Workbench object
summary.GROAN.NoisyDataset Summary for GROAN Noisy Dataset object
summary.GROAN.Result Summary of GROAN.Result