Gaussian Process Projection

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Documentation for package ‘GPP’ version 0.1

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autoConverge Checks Stan model for convergence, then runs model on actual data.
autoConverge-method Checks Stan model for convergence, then runs model on actual data.
GDPdata 1960-2003 GDP dataset
GPP Estimates a counterfactual with uncertainty using Gaussian process projection
GPP-method Estimates a counterfactual with uncertainty using Gaussian process projection
plotGPPfit Plots results of a (converged) model, with true and projected values.
plotGPPfit-method Plots results of a (converged) model, with true and projected values.
runMod Runs the model, given the data and treated case (may be a placebo).
runMod-method Runs the model, given the data and treated case (may be a placebo).
writeMod Writes Stan code for GPP model
writeMod-method Writes Stan code for GPP model