Fit {GPM}R Documentation

The Fitting Function of GPM Package


Fits a Gaussian process (GP) to a set of simulation data as described in reference 1. Both the inputs and outputs can be multi-dimensional. The outputs can be noisy in which case it is assumed that the noise is stationary (i.e., its variance is not a function of x).


Fit(X, Y, CorrType = 'G', Eps = 10^(seq(-1, -12)), AnaGr = NULL, Nopt = 5,TraceIt = 0,
MaxIter = 100, Seed = 1, LowerBound = NULL, UpperBound = NULL, 
StopFlag = 1, Progress = 0, DoParallel = 0, Ncores = NULL)



Matrix containing the training (aka design or input) data points. The rows and columns of X denote individual observation settings and input dimension, respectively.


Matrix containing the output (aka response) data points. The rows and columns of Y denote individual observation responses and output dimension, respectively.


The type of the correlation function of the GP model. Choices include 'G' (default), 'PE', 'LBG', and 'LB'. See the references for the details. For smooth (or analytic) functions, choose either 'G' or 'LBG'. Fitting is faster if 'G' is chosen.


A vector containing the smallest eigen value(s) that the correlation matrix is allowed to have. The elements of Eps must be in [0, 1] and sorted in a descending order.


Flag indicating whether the gradient of the log-likelihood should be taken analytically (!= 0) or numerically (== 0). For now, only available when CorrType == 'G' or CorrType == 'PE'. If AnaGr != 0, the fitted model will generally be more accurate.


The number of times the log-likelihood function is optimized when Eps[1] is used to constraint the smallest eigen value that the correlation matrix is allowed to have. Higher Nopt will increase fitting time as well as the chances of finding the global optimum. If nrow(X) is large (i.e., large training datasets), Nopt can be small.Analyzing the optimization results for Eps[1] and when Progress != 0 will determine if Nopt has been large enough.


Non-negative integer. If positive, tracing information on the progress of the optimization is printed. There are six levels of tracing (see optim) and higher values will produce more tracing information.


Maximum number of iterations allowed for each optimization (see optim).


An integer for the random number generator. Use this to make the results reproducible.

LowerBound, UpperBound

To estimate the scale (aka roughness) parameters of the correlation function, the feasible range should be defined. LowerBound and UpperBound are vectors determining, resepectively, the lower and upper bounds. Their length depends on the parametric form of the correlation function (see reference 1 for the details).


Flag indicating whether the optimization must be stopped if the negative log-likelihood increases with decreasing Eps[i].


Flag indicating if the fitting process should be summarized. Set it to !=0 to turn it on.


If != 0, optimizations will be done in parallel.


Number of cores to use if DoParallel != 0. The default is the maximum number of physical cores.


Model A list containing the following components:


  1. Bostanabad, R., Kearney, T., Tao, S., Apley, D. W. & Chen, W. (2018) Leveraging the nugget parameter for efficient Gaussian process modeling. Int J Numer Meth Eng, 114, 501-516.

  2. Plumlee, M. & Apley, D. W. (2017) Lifted Brownian kriging models. Technometrics, 59, 165-177.

See Also

optim for the details on L-BFGS-B algorithm used in optimization.
Predict to use the fitted GP model for prediction.
Draw to plot the response via the fitted model.


# 1D example: Fit a model (with default settings) and evaluate the performance
# by computing the root mean squared error (RMSE) in prediction.
X <- 5*maximinLHS(15, 1)
Y <- 2*sin(2*X) + log(X+1)
M <- Fit(X, Y)
XF <- matrix(seq(0, 5, length.out = 100), 100, 1)
YF <- Predict(XF, M)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((YF$YF - (2*sin(2*XF) + log(XF+1)))^2))

## Not run: 
# 1D example: Fit a model, evaluate the performance, and plot the response
# along with 95% prediction interval
X <- 10*maximinLHS(10, 1) - 5
Y <- X*cos(X)
M <- Fit(X, Y)
XF <- matrix(seq(-5, 5, length.out = 500), 500, 1)
YF <- Predict(XF, M)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((YF$YF - (XF*cos(XF)))^2))
Draw(M, 1, res = 20)

# 2D example: Fit a model, evaluate the performance, and plot the response
# surface along with 95% prediction interval
X <- 2*maximinLHS(10, 2) - 1
Y <- X[, 1]^2 + X[, 2]^2
M <- Fit(X, Y, CorrType = "PE")
XF <- 2*maximinLHS(100, 2) - 1
YF <- Predict(XF, M)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((YF$YF - (XF[, 1]^2 + XF[, 2]^2))^2))
Draw(M, c(1, 1), res = 15, PI95=1)

# 2D example: Plot the previous model wrt X1 in the [-2, 2]
# interval with X2=1
Draw(M, c(1, 0), LB = -2, UB = 2, res = 15, PI95=1)

# 3D example: Compare the performance of Gaussian ("G") and lifted Browninan
# with Gamma=1 ("LBG")
X <- 2*maximinLHS(50, 3) - 1
Y <- cos(X[, 1]^2) + 2*sin(X[, 2]^2) + X[, 3]^2
M_G <- Fit(X, Y)
M_LBG <- Fit(X, Y, CorrType = "LBG")
XF <- 2*maximinLHS(500, 3) - 1
YF_G <- Predict(XF, M_G)
YF_LBG <- Predict(XF, M_LBG)
RMSE_G <- sqrt(mean((YF_G$YF - (cos(XF[, 1]^2) + 2*sin(XF[, 2]^2) + XF[, 3]^2))^2))
RMSE_LBG <- sqrt(mean((YF_LBG$YF - (cos(XF[, 1]^2) + 2*sin(XF[, 2]^2) + XF[, 3]^2))^2))

# 3D example: Draw the response in 2D using the M_G model when X3=0
Draw(M_G, c(1, 1, 0), PI95 = 0, Values = 0, X1Label = 'Input 1', X2Label = 'Input 2')

# 3D example: 2D response
X <- 2*maximinLHS(50, 3) - 1
Y <- cbind(cos(X[, 1]^2) + 2*sin(X[, 2]^2) + X[, 3]^2, rowSums(X))
M <- Fit(X, Y)
Draw(M, c(0, 1, 1), Response_ID = 2, Values = 0.5)

# 2D example with noise
X <- 2*maximinLHS(100, 2) - 1
Y <- X[, 1]^2 + X[, 2]^2 + matrix(rnorm(nrow(X), 0, .5), nrow(X), 1)
M <- Fit(X, Y)
# Estimating the noise variance (should be close to 0.5^2)

## End(Not run)

[Package GPM version 3.0.1 Index]