Generalized Partially Linear Tree-Based Regression Model

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Documentation for package ‘GPLTR’ version 1.5

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GPLTR-package Fit a generalized partially linear tree-based regression model
bag.aucoob AUC on the Out Of Bag samples
bagging.pltr bagging pltr models
best.tree.BIC.AIC Prunning the Maximal tree
best.tree.bootstrap parametric bootstrap on a pltr model
best.tree.CV Prunning the Maximal tree
best.tree.permute permutation test on a pltr model
burn burn dataset
data_pltr gpltr data example
GPLTR Fit a generalized partially linear tree-based regression model
nested.trees compute the nested trees
p.val.tree Compute the p-value
pltr.glm Partially tree-based regression model function
predict_bagg.pltr prediction on new features
predict_pltr prediction
tree2glm tree to GLM
tree2indicators From a tree to indicators (or dummy variables)
VIMPBAG score of importance for variables