solve_game {GPGame}R Documentation

Main solver


Main function to solve games.


  equilibrium = "NE",
  crit = "sur",
  model = NULL,
  n.init = NULL,
  nobj, = NULL,
  noise.var = NULL,
  Nadir = NULL,
  Shadow = NULL,
  integcontrol = NULL,
  simucontrol = NULL,
  filtercontrol = NULL,
  kmcontrol = NULL,
  returncontrol = NULL,
  ncores = 1,
  trace = 1,
  seed = NULL,
  calibcontrol = NULL,
  freq.exploit = 1000



fonction with vectorial output


additional parameter to be passed to fun


either 'NE', 'KSE', 'CKSE' or 'NKSE' for Nash / Kalai-Smorodinsky / Copula-Kalai-Smorodinsky / Nash-Kalai-Smorodinsky equilibria


'sur' (default) is available for all equilibria, 'psim' and 'pex' are available for Nash


list of km models


number of points of the initial design of experiments if no model is given


number of iterations of sequential optimization


variable dimension


number of objectives (players)

for NE and NKSE, which variables for which objective


noise variance. Either a scalar (same noise for all objectives), a vector (constant noise, different for each objective), a function (type closure) with vectorial output (variable noise, different for each objective) or "given_by_fn", see Details. If not provided, noise.var is taken as the average of model@noise.var.

Nadir, Shadow

optional vectors of size nobj. Replaces the nadir or shadow point for KSE. If only a subset of values needs to be defined, the other coordinates can be set to Inf (resp. -Inf for the shadow).


optional list for handling integration points. See Details.


optional list for handling conditional simulations. See Details.


optional list for handling filters. See Details.


optional list for handling km models. See Details.


optional list for choosing return options. See Details.


number of CPU available (> 1 makes mean parallel TRUE)


controls the level of printing: 0 (no printing), 1 (minimal printing), 3 (detailed printing)


to fix the random variable generator


an optional list for calibration problems, containing target a vector of target values for the objectives, log a Boolean stating if a log transformation should be used or not, and offset a (small) scalar so that each objective is log(offset + (y-T^2)).


an optional integer to force exploitation (i.e. evaluation of the predicted equilibrium) every freq.exploit iterations


If noise.var="given_by_fn", fn returns a list of two vectors, the first being the objective functions and the second the corresponding noise variances.

integcontrol controls the way the design space is discretized. One can directly provide a set of points integ.pts with corresponding indices expanded.indices (for NE). Otherwise, the points are generated according to the number of strategies n.s. If n.s is a scalar, it corresponds to the total number of strategies (to be divided equally among players), otherwise it corresponds to the nb of strategies per player. In addition, one may choose the type of discretization with gridtype. Options are 'lhs' or 'cartesian'. Finally, lb and ub are vectors specifying the bounds for the design variables. By default the design space is [0,1]^d. A renew slot is available, if TRUE, then integ.pts are changed at each iteration. Available only for KSE and CKSE. For CKSE, setting the slot kweights=TRUE allows to increase the number of integration points, with nsamp (default to 1e4) virtual simulation points.

simucontrol controls options on conditional GP simulations. Options are IS: if TRUE, importance sampling is used for ynew; n.ynew number of samples of Y(x_{n+1}) and n.sim number of sample path generated.

filtercontrol controls filtering options. filter sets how to select a subset of simulation and candidate points, either either a single value or a vector of two to use different filters for simulation and candidate points. Possible values are 'window', 'Pnash' (for NE), 'PND' (probability of non domination), 'none'. nsimPoints and ncandPoints set the maximum number of simulation/candidate points wanted (use with filter 'Pnash' for now). Default values are 800 and 200, resp. randomFilter (TRUE by default except for filter window) sets whereas the filter acts randomly or deterministically. For more than 3 objectives, PND is estimated by sampling; the number of samples is controled by nsamp (default to max(20, 5 * nobj)).

kmcontrol Options for handling nobj km models. cov.reestim (Boolean, TRUE by default) specifies if the kriging hyperparameters should be re-estimated at each iteration,

returncontrol sets options for the last iterations and what is returned by the algorithm. track.Eq allows to estimate the equilibrium at each iteration; options are 'none' to do nothing, "mean" (default) to compute the equilibrium of the prediction mean (all candidates), "empirical" (for KSE) and "pex"/"psim" (NE only) for using Pnash estimate (along with mean estimate, on integ.pts only, NOT reestimated if filter.simu or crit is Pnash). The boolean force.exploit.last (default to TRUE) allows to evaluate the equilibrium on the predictive mean - if not already evaluated - instead of using crit (i.e., sur) for KSE and CKSE.


A list with components:

Note: with CKSE, kweights are not used when the mean on integ.pts is used. Also, CKSE does not support non-constant mean at this stage.


V. Picheny, M. Binois, A. Habbal (2016+), A Bayesian optimization approach to find Nash equilibria,


# Example 1: Nash equilibrium, 2 variables, 2 players, no filter
# Define objective function (R^2 -> R^2)
fun1 <- function (x)
  if (is.null(dim(x)))    x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
  b1 <- 15 * x[, 1] - 5
  b2 <- 15 * x[, 2]
  return(cbind((b2 - 5.1*(b1/(2*pi))^2 + 5/pi*b1 - 6)^2 + 10*((1 - 1/(8*pi)) * cos(b1) + 1),
               -sqrt((10.5 - b1)*(b1 + 5.5)*(b2 + 0.5)) - 1/30*(b2 - 5.1*(b1/(2*pi))^2 - 6)^2-
                1/3 * ((1 - 1/(8 * pi)) * cos(b1) + 1)))

# To use parallel computation (turn off on Windows)
parallel <- FALSE #TRUE #
if(parallel) ncores <- detectCores() else ncores <- 1

# Simple configuration: no filter, discretization is a 21x21 grid

# Grid definition
n.s <- rep(21, 2)   <- c(1,2)
gridtype <- 'cartesian'

# Run solver with 6 initial points, 4 iterations
# Increase n.ite to at least 10 for better results
res <- solve_game(fun1, equilibrium = "NE", crit = "sur", n.init=6, n.ite=4,
                  d = 2, nobj=2, =,
                  integcontrol=list(n.s=n.s, gridtype=gridtype),
                  ncores = ncores, trace=1, seed=1)

# Get estimated equilibrium and corresponding pay-off
NE <- res$
Poff <- res$Eq.poff

# Draw results

# Example 2: same example, KS equilibrium with given Nadir
# Run solver with 6 initial points, 4 iterations
# Increase n.ite to at least 10 for better results
res <- solve_game(fun1, equilibrium = "KSE", crit = "sur", n.init=6, n.ite=4,
                  d = 2, nobj=2, =,
                  integcontrol=list(n.s=400, gridtype="lhs"),
                  ncores = ncores, trace=1, seed=1, Nadir=c(Inf, -20))

# Get estimated equilibrium and corresponding pay-off
NE <- res$
Poff <- res$Eq.poff

# Draw results
plotGame(res, equilibrium = "KSE", Nadir=c(Inf, -20))

# Example 3: Nash equilibrium, 4 variables, 2 players, filtering
fun2 <- function(x, nobj = 2){
  if (is.null(dim(x)))     x <- matrix(x, 1)
  y <- matrix(x[, 1:(nobj - 1)], nrow(x))
  z <- matrix(x[, nobj:ncol(x)], nrow(x))
  g <- rowSums((z - 0.5)^2)
  tmp <- t(apply(cos(y * pi/2), 1, cumprod))
  tmp <- cbind(t(apply(tmp, 1, rev)), 1)
  tmp2 <- cbind(1, t(apply(sin(y * pi/2), 1, rev)))
  return(tmp * tmp2 * (1 + g))

# Grid definition: player 1 plays x1 and x2, player 2 x3 and x4
# The grid is a lattice made of two LHS designs of different sizes
n.s <- c(44, 43)   <- c(1,1,2,2)
gridtype <- 'lhs'

# Set filtercontrol: window filter applied for integration and candidate points
# 500 simulation and 200 candidate points are retained.
filtercontrol <- list(nsimPoints=500, ncandPoints=200,
                   filter=c("window", "window"))

# Set km control: lower bound is specified for the covariance range
# Covariance type and model trend are specified
kmcontrol <- list(lb=rep(.2,4), model.trend=~1, covtype="matern3_2")

# Run solver with 20 initial points, 4 iterations
# Increase n.ite to at least 20 for better results
res <- solve_game(fun2, equilibrium = "NE", crit = "psim", n.init=20, n.ite=2,
                  d = 4, nobj=2, =,
                  integcontrol=list(n.s=n.s, gridtype=gridtype),
                  ncores = 1, trace=1, seed=1)

# Get estimated equilibrium and corresponding pay-off
NE <- res$
Poff <- res$Eq.poff

# Draw results

# Example 4: same example, KS equilibrium

# Grid definition: simple lhs
integcontrol=list(n.s=1e4, gridtype='lhs')

# Run solver with 20 initial points, 4 iterations
# Increase n.ite to at least 20 for better results
res <- solve_game(fun2, equilibrium = "KSE", crit = "sur", n.init=20, n.ite=2,
                  d = 4, nobj=2,
                  ncores = 1, trace=1, seed=1)

# Get estimated equilibrium and corresponding pay-off
NE <- res$
Poff <- res$Eq.poff

# Draw results
plotGame(res, equilibrium = "KSE")

[Package GPGame version 1.2.0 Index]