vswind {GNAR}R Documentation

Wind Speed example network time series


A suite of data objects concerning wind speed analysis. The dataset contains a multivariate time series of wind speeds, two network descriptions, a vector of names for weather stations, and the coordinates of the weather stations.




This dataset contains six R objects:
vswindts is a ts object with a matrix of 721 rows (t=721) and 102 columns (n=102). This corresponds to 721 observations made through time at 102 weather stations. vswindnetD is a GNARnet object containing $edges and $dist.
edges is a list of length 102, with edges[[i]] containing the vertices that node i is connected to.
dist is a list of length 102, with dist[[i]] containing the length of the vertices that node i is connected to. vswindnet is the same as vswindnetD except that all the distances are replaced by 1. vswindnames is a character vector of length 102 containing the wind speed site names and vswindcoords is a matrix with 102 rows (one for each wind station) and two columns providing the x and y coordinates of the weather stations.


The base data were obtained from the http://wow.metoffice.gov.uk UK Met Office WeatherObservationsWebsite distributed under the UK Open Government License https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/1/open-government-licence.htm Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Goverment Licence v1.0.

See Also



# The name entry for Bristol
#[1] "BRIST"
# plot the distance network
## Not run: windnetplot()

[Package GNAR version 1.1.3 Index]