age_land |
Age landscape |
anecdotal |
Anecdotal model |
be_hunter |
Become a hunter on the landscape |
case01plot |
Plot results for density-based or mark-recapture sampling |
case23plot |
Plot results for transect-based sampling |
chapman_est |
Chapman estimator of mark-recapture |
count_agent_cells |
Count the number of owned cells of each agent |
dens_est |
Density estimator of resource abundance |
gmse |
GMSE simulation |
gmse_apply |
GMSE apply function |
gmse_apply_summary |
gmse_apply results summary |
gmse_gui |
GMSE GUI function |
gmse_replicates |
gmse replicate simulations |
gmse_summary |
gmse results summary |
gmse_table |
GMSE table results |
ind_to_land |
Plot resource position on a landscape image output |
make_agents |
Agent initialisation |
make_costs |
COST initialisation |
make_interaction_array |
Initialise array of resource and landscape-level interactions. |
make_interaction_table |
Initialise array of resource and landscape-level interactions. |
make_landscape |
Landscape initialisation |
make_resource |
Resource initialisation |
make_utilities |
Utility initialisation |
manager |
Manager model |
manager_user_budgets |
Manager and user budgets |
observation |
Observation model |
owner_land_ssa |
Owner land SSA |
plot_gmse_effort |
Plot the effort made by each user for each action |
plot_gmse_results |
Plot the results of a gmse simulation |
rec.n |
R data for recruitment used in SI4 vignette |
resource |
Resource model |
ssb.n |
R data for spawning stock biomass used in SI4 vignette |
user |
User model |
utility_layer |
Utility layer for initialisation. |