EEpost {GMPro}R Documentation

Post-processing step for edge-exploited graph matching.


Funtions DPmatching or DPedge can produce a preliminary graph matching result. This function, EEPost works on refining the result iteratively. In addition, EEpost is able to provide a convergence indicator vector FLAG for each matching as a reference for the certainty about the matching since in practice,it has been observed that the true matches usually reach the convergence and stay the same after a few iterations, while the false matches may keep changing in the iterations.


EEpost(W = NULL, A, B, rep, tau = NULL, d = NULL, matching = NULL)



A distance matrix.

A, B

Two 0/1 adjacency matrices.


A positive integer, indicating the number of iterations.


A positive threshold. The default value is rep/10rep/10.


A positive integer, indicating the number of candidate matching. The default value is 1.


A preliminary matching result for EEpost. If matching is null, EEpost will apply DPedge accordingly to generate the initial matching.


Similar to function EEpre, EEpost uses maximum bipartite matching to maximize the number of common neighbours for the matched vertices with the knowledge of a preliminary matching result by defining the similarity between iAi \in A and jBj \in B as the number of common neighbours between ii and jj according to the preliminary matching. Then, given a matching result Πt\Pi_t, post processing step is to seek a refinement Πt+1\Pi_{t+1} satisfying Πt+1\Pi_{t+1} \in argmax Π,AΠtB\langle \Pi, A \Pi_t B \rangle, where Π\Pi is a permutation matrix of dimension (nA,nB)(n_A, n_B).



The distance matrix between two graphs.


A vector containing matching results.


An indicator vector indicating whether the matching result is converged. 0 for No and 1 for Yes.


Converged match result. NA indicates the matching result for a certain node is not v=convergent.


The number of converged nodes.


n = 10;p = 1; q = 1/2; s = 1
Parent = matrix(rbinom(n*n, 1, q), nrow = n, ncol = n)
Parent[lower.tri(Parent)] = t(Parent)[lower.tri(Parent)]
diag(Parent) <- 0
### Generate graph A
dA = matrix(rbinom(n*n, 1, s), nrow = n, ncol=n)
dA[lower.tri(dA)] = t(dA)[lower.tri(dA)]
A1 = Parent*dA;
tmp = rbinom(n, 1, p)
n.A = length(which(tmp == 1))
indA = sample(1:n, n.A, replace = FALSE)
A = A1[indA, indA]
### Generate graph B
dB = matrix(rbinom(n*n, 1, s), nrow = n, ncol=n)
dB[lower.tri(dB)] = t(dB)[lower.tri(dB)]
B1 = Parent*dB
tmp = rbinom(n, 1, p)
n.B = length(which(tmp == 1))
indB = sample(1:n, n.B, replace = FALSE)
B = B1[indB, indB]
matching1= DPmatching(A, B)$Dist
EEpost(A = A, B = B, rep = 10, d = 5)
EEpost(A = A, B = B, rep = 10, d = 5, matching = matching1)

[Package GMPro version 0.1.0 Index]