GMfj {GMKMcharlie}R Documentation

Multithreaded minimum message length Gaussian mixture trainer


Figueiredo and Jain's Gaussian mixture trainer with all options in GM().


  Xw = rep(1, ncol(X)),
  alpha = numeric(0),
  mu = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0),
  sigma = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0),
  G = 5L,
  Gmin = 2L,
  convergenceEPS = 1e-05,
  alphaEPS = 0,
  eigenRatioLim = Inf,
  maxIter = 1000L,
  maxCore = 7L,
  tlimit = 3600,
  verbose = TRUE



A d x N numeric matrix where N is the number of observations — each column is an observation, and d is the dimensionality. Column-observation representation promotes cache locality.


A numeric vector of size N. Xw[i] is the weight on observation X[, i]. Users should normalize Xw such that the elements sum up to N. Default uniform weights for all observations.


A numeric vector of size K, the number of Gaussian kernels in the mixture model. alpha are the initial mixture weights and should sum up to 1. Default empty.


A d x K numeric matrix. mu[, i] is the initial mean for the ith Gaussian kernel. Default empty.


A d^2 x K numeric matrix. Each column represents a flattened d x d initial covariance matrix of the ith Gaussian kernel. In R, as.numeric(aMatrix) gives the flattened version of aMatrix. Covariance matrix of each Gaussian kernel MUST be positive-definite. Default empty.


An integer. If at least one of the parameters alpha, mu, sigma are empty, the program will initialize G Gaussian kernels via K-means++ deterministic initialization. See KMppIni(). Otherwise G is ignored. Default 5.


An integer. The final model should have at least Gmin kernels.


A numeric value. If the average change of all parameters in the mixture model is below convergenceEPS relative to those in the pervious iteration, the program ends. Checking convergence this way is faster than recomputing the log-likelihood every iteration. Default 1e-5.


A numeric value. During training, if any Gaussian kernel's weight is no greater than alphaEPS, the kernel is deleted. Default 0.


A numeric value. During training, if any Gaussian kernel's max:min eigen value ratio exceeds eigenRatioLim, the kernel is treated as degenerate and deleted. Thresholding eigen ratios is in the interest of minimizing the effect of degenerate kernels in an early stage. Default Inf.


An integer, the maximal number of iterations.


An integer. The maximal number of threads to invoke. Should be no more than the total number of logical processors on machine. Default 7.


A numeric value. The program exits with the current model in tlimit seconds.


A boolean value. TRUE prints progress.


Although heavily cited, the paper has some misleading information and the algorithm's performance does not live up to its reputation. See <>. Nevertheless, it is a worthwhile algorithm to try in practice.


A list of size 5:


a numeric vector of size K. The mixture weights.


a d x K numeric matrix. Each column is the mean of a Gaussian kernel.


a d^2 x K numeric matrix. Each column is the flattened covariance matrix of a Gaussian kernel. Do matrix(sigma[, i], nrow = d) to recover the covariance matrix of the ith kernel.


a numeric vector of size N. fitted[i] is the probability density of the ith observation given by the mixture model.


a list of K integer vectors, the hard clustering inferred from the mixture model. Each integer vector contains the indexes of observations in X.


For one-dimensional data, X should still follow the data structure requirements: a matrix where each column is an observation.


Mario A.T. Figueiredo & Anil K. Jain (2002): "Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24(3): 381-396.


# =============================================================================
# Examples below use 1 thread to pass CRAN check. Speed advantage of multiple
# threads will be more pronounced for larger data.
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# Parameterize the iris data. Let the function initialize Gaussian kernels.
# =============================================================================
X = t(iris[1:4])
# CRAN check only allows 2 threads at most. Increase `maxCore` for
# acceleration.
system.time({gmmRst = GMKMcharlie::GMfj(
  X, G = 25L, Gmin = 2L, maxCore = 1L, verbose = FALSE)})

# =============================================================================
# Parameterize the iris data given Gaussian kernels.
# =============================================================================
G = 25L
d = nrow(X) # Dimensionality.
alpha = rep(1, G) / G
mu = X[, sample(ncol(X), G)] # Sample observations as initial means.
# Take the average variance and create initial covariance matrices.
meanVarOfEachDim = sum(diag(var(t(X)))) / d
covar = diag(meanVarOfEachDim / G, d)
covars = matrix(rep(as.numeric(covar), G), nrow = d * d)

# Models are sensitive to initialization.
system.time({gmmRst2 = GMKMcharlie::GMfj(
  X, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = covars, maxCore = 1L, verbose = FALSE)})

# =============================================================================
# For fun, fit Rosenbrock function with a Gaussian mixture.
# =============================================================================
rosenbrock <- function(x, y) {(1 - x) ^ 2 + 100 * (y - x ^ 2) ^ 2}
N = 2000L
x = runif(N, -2, 2)
y = runif(N, -1, 3)
z = rosenbrock(x, y)

X = rbind(x, y)
Xw = z * (N / sum(z)) # Weights on observations should sum up to N.
system.time({gmmFit = GMKMcharlie::GMfj(
  X, Xw = Xw, G = 5L, maxCore = 1L, verbose = FALSE)})

oldpar = par()$mfrow
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot3D::points3D(x, y, z, pch = 20)
plot3D::points3D(x, y, gmmFit$fitted, pch = 20)
par(mfrow = oldpar)

# =============================================================================
# For fun, fit a 3D spiral distribution.
# =============================================================================
N = 2000
t = runif(N) ^ 2 * 15
x = cos(t) + rnorm(N) * 0.1
y = sin(t) + rnorm(N) * 0.1
z = t + rnorm(N) * 0.1

X = rbind(x, y, z)
d = 3L
G = 10L
system.time({gmmFit = GMKMcharlie::GMfj(
  X, G = G, maxCore = 1L, verbose = FALSE)})
# Sample N points from the Gaussian mixture.
ns = as.integer(round(N * gmmFit$alpha))
sampledPoints = list()
for(i in 1L : G)
  sampledPoints[[i]] = MASS::mvrnorm(
    ns[i], mu = gmmFit$mu[, i], Sigma = matrix(gmmFit$sigma[, i], nrow = d))
sampledPoints =
  matrix(unlist(lapply(sampledPoints, function(x) t(x))), nrow = d)

# Plot the original data and the samples from the mixture model.
oldpar = par()$mfrow
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot3D::points3D(x, y, z, pch = 20)
plot3D::points3D(x = sampledPoints[1, ],
                 y = sampledPoints[2, ],
                 z = sampledPoints[3, ], pch = 20)
par(mfrow = oldpar)

[Package GMKMcharlie version 1.1.5 Index]