GMDH {GMDH2} | R Documentation |
Feature Selection and Classification via GMDH-Type Neural Network Algorithm for a Binary Response
makes feature selection and classification via GMDH-type neural network algorithm.
GMDH(x.train, y.train, x.valid, y.valid, alpha = 0.6, maxlayers = 10, maxneurons = 15,
exCriterion = "MSE", verbose = TRUE, ...)
x.train |
a n1xp matrix to be included in model construction, n1 is the number of observations and p is the number of variables. |
y.train |
a factor of binary response variable to be included in model construction. |
x.valid |
a n2xp matrix to be used for neuron selection, n2 is the number of observations and p is the number of variables. |
y.valid |
a factor of binary response variable to be used for neuron selection. |
alpha |
the selection pressure in a layer. Defaults alpha = 0.6. |
maxlayers |
the number of maximum layers. Defaults maxlayers = 10. |
maxneurons |
the number of maximum neurons selected in each layer. Defaults maxneurons = 15. |
exCriterion |
a character string to select an external criteria. "MSE": Mean Square Error, "MAE": Mean Absolute Error. Default is set to "MSE". |
verbose |
a logical for printing summary output to R console. |
... |
not used currently. |
A list with class "GMDH" and "GMDHplot" containing the following components:
architecture |
all objects stored in construction process of network |
nlayer |
the number of layers |
neurons |
the number of neurons in layers |
sneurons |
the number of selected neurons in layers |
structure |
the summary structure of the process |
levels |
the levels of binary response |
features |
the names of variables used in GMDH algorithm |
pfeatures |
the column number of variables used in GMDH algorithm |
nvar |
the number of variables in the data set |
plot_list |
the list of objects to be used in |
Osman Dag, Erdem Karabulut, Reha Alpar
Dag, O., Karabulut, E., Alpar, R. (2019). GMDH2: Binary Classification via GMDH-Type Neural Network Algorithms - R Package and Web-Based Tool. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 12:2, 649-660.
data <- BreastCancer
# to obtain complete observations
completeObs <- complete.cases(data)
data <- data[completeObs,]
x <- data.matrix(data[,2:10])
y <- data[,11]
seed <- 12345
nobs <- length(y)
# to split train, validation and test sets
indices <- sample(1:nobs)
ntrain <- round(nobs*0.6,0)
nvalid <- round(nobs*0.2,0)
ntest <- nobs-(ntrain+nvalid)
train.indices <- sort(indices[1:ntrain])
valid.indices <- sort(indices[(ntrain+1):(ntrain+nvalid)])
test.indices <- sort(indices[(ntrain+nvalid+1):nobs])
x.train <- x[train.indices,]
y.train <- y[train.indices]
x.valid <- x[valid.indices,]
y.valid <- y[valid.indices]
x.test <- x[test.indices,]
y.test <- y[test.indices]
# to construct model via GMDH algorithm
model <- GMDH(x.train, y.train, x.valid, y.valid)
predict(model, x.test)