GLSME {GLSME}R Documentation

Estimate regression parameters with correlated observations measurement errors.


The GLSME function estimates parameters of a linear model via generalized least squares. It allows for correlated predictors and responses. Furthermore it allows for correlated measurement errors both in predictors and responses. The program specifically corrects for biase caused by these errors.


GLSME(y, D, Vt, Ve, Vd, Vu, EstimateVariance = c(TRUE, TRUE), CenterPredictor = TRUE, 
InitialGuess = NULL, eps = 0.001, MaxIter = 50, MaxIterVar = 50, epsVar = 0.001, 
OutputType = "short", Vttype = NULL, Vetype = NULL, Vdtype = NULL, Vutype = NULL, 
ED = NULL, EDtype = "SingleValue")



A vector of observed response variables.


a design matrix in which each column corresponds to a parameter to be estimated in the B-vector/matrix. Each entry in these columns corresponds to a data point (e.g. a species in comparative studies). The first column will typically be a column of ones, which will estimate an intercept. Columns with indicators for categorical fixed effects can also be added. Each regression variable is added as a column vector. The program will automatically estimate one coefficient for each column in the design matrix and these will be output in the order of the columns in the design matrix. Note that columns corresponding to "random effects", indicated by nonzero entry in the Vd matrix below, will be centered on their means unless the option CenterPredictor = FALSE is used to instruct the program to not do this. If there is to be an INTERCEPT the user needs to put into D a constant column of 1s.


The response biological residual covariance matrix (see Details).


The response observation error covariance matrix (see Details). observation errors in the response variable. In a comparative study in which the response consists of species means, this will typically be a diagonal matrix with squared standard errors of the means along the diagonal.


Represents the true variance structure for the predictor variables. (see Details).


The predictor observation variances (see Details)


Option to turn off estimation of the variance parameters. This is a vector of TRUE or FALSE values, where the first value corresponds to the true residual variance, and the others correspond to the rest of the true predictor variances. All the predictor variances can also be turned on or off jointly by providing a single TRUE or FALSE value. The default is to estimate all variance components. If a FALSE value is given the program assumes that the input variance matrices are exact.


TRUE or FALSE option to turn off automatic centering of predictors.


Starting value for the regression in the iterated GLS. The default is NULL, in which case the program will use an OLS estimate. A specific starting value can be given as a vector of numbers corresponding to each entry in the B-vector. An additional number can also be given to specify the starting value of the residual variance parameter.


tolerance for iterated GLS


maximum number of iterations for iterated GLS


maximum number of iterations for iterated GLS


tolerance for estimating variance parameters in predictors


should just the estimates be presented and their standard errors ("short") or more detailed information ("long")


Vt matrix type (see Details)


Ve matrix type (see Details)


Vd matrix type (see Details)


Vu matrix type (see Details)


the expected value of the design matrix, can be NULL then is estimated from the data


if ED is provided then specifies what is provided, allowed values are :

  • "constant" ED is a number and each value of D has mean equal to this number

  • "variablemean" ED is a vector of length of number of variables, each value is a mean for the given predictor variable

  • NULL ED is assumed to be calculated


The code fits the general linear model with correlated data and observation error in both dependent and independent variables. The code fits the model

y=Dβ+r,rN(0,V),V=σ2Vt+Ve+Var[UβD],y = D\beta + r, r \sim N(0,V), V = \sigma^{2}V_{t} + V_{e} + Var[U\beta|D],

where y is a vector of observed response variables, D is an observed design matrix, β\beta is a vector of parameters to be estimated, VtV_{t} is a matrix representing the true residual variance up to a scale parameter, σ2\sigma^{2}, that is estimated by the program, VeV_{e} is a matrix of known measurement variance in the response variable, and Var[Uβ\beta|D] is a matrix representing effects of measurement error in the predictor variables (see appendix of Hansen and Bartoszek 2012). To build the Var[Uβ\beta|D] matrix, the program needs a known measurement variance matrix VuV_{u} and a true variance matrix VxtV_{xt} for each of the predictor variables (these will be zero for fixed effects). The true variance matrices are assumed to be on the form Vxt=σx2SxV_{xt} = \sigma_{x}^{2}Sx , where Sx is a matrix supplied by the user, and σx2\sigma_{x}^{2} is a scale parameter that the program estimates by maximum likelihood.

Note that this program cannot be used to fit parameters that enter nonlinearly into the variance or the design matrix, as the α\alpha in the adaptation-inertia model, but it can be used to fit the other parameters in such models conditionally on given values of the parameterized values of the matrices (and could hence be used as a subroutine in a program for fitting such models).

Three important notes for the user :

The program tries to recognize the structure of the Vt, Ve, Vd and Vu matrices passed (see the supplementary information to Hansen and Bartoszek 2012) otherwise the user can specify how the matrix looks like in the appropriate matrix type variable, these can be in the respective Vttype, Vetype, Vdtype or Vutype parameter:



Krzysztof Bartoszek


Bartoszek, K. and Pienaar, J. and Mostad. P. and Andersson, S. and Hansen, T. F. (2012) A phylogenetic comparative method for studying multivariate adaptation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 314:204-215.

Hansen, T.F. (1997) Stabilizing selection and the comparative analysis of adaptation. Evolution 51:1341-1351.

Hansen, T.F. and Bartoszek, K. (2012) Interpreting the evolutionary regression: the interplay between observational and biological errors in phylogenetic comparative studies. Systematic Biology 61(3):413-425.

Hansen, T.F. and Pienaar, J. and Orzack, S.H. (2008) A comparative method for studying adaptation to randomly evolving environment. Evolution 62:1965-1977.


n<-3 ## number of species
### Define Brownian motion parameters to be able to simulate data under the Brownian motion model.
### Now simulate the data and remove the values corresponding to the internal nodes.


yerror<-diag((stats::rnorm(n,mean=0,sd=0.1))^2) #create error matrix
xerror<-diag((stats::rnorm(n,mean=0,sd=0.1))^2) #create error matrix
GLSME(y=y, CenterPredictor=TRUE, D=cbind(rep(1, n), x), Vt=ape::vcv(apetree), 
Ve=yerror, Vd=list("F",ape::vcv(apetree)), Vu=list("F", xerror))

[Package GLSME version 1.0.5 Index]