Fit a Cosinor Model Using a Generalised Mixed Modelling Framework

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Documentation for package ‘GLMMcosinor’ version 0.2.0

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amp_acro Used to specify a cosinor component in the model formula.
autoplot.cglmm Plot a cosinor model
cglmm Fit cosinor model with '{glmmTMB}'
cosinor_mixed cosinor_mixed dataset for cosinor modelling examples.
fit_model_and_process Fit the cosinor GLMM model using the output from 'update_formula_and_data()' and a new formula
polar_plot Generates a polar plot with elliptical confidence intervals
polar_plot.cglmm Generates a polar plot with elliptical confidence intervals
predict.cglmm Predict from a cosinor model
print.cglmm Print a brief summary of the 'cglmm' model.
print.cglmmSubTest Print test of model
print.cglmmSummary Print the summary of a cosinor model
print.cglmmTest Print results of test of cosinor model
sigma.cglmm Extract residual standard deviation or dispersion parameter
simulate_cosinor Simulate data from a cosinor model
summary.cglmm Summarize a cosinor model Given a time variable and optional covariates, generate inference a cosinor fit. Gives estimates, confidence intervals, and tests for the raw parameters, and for the mean, amplitude, and acrophase parameters. If the model includes covariates, the function returns the estimates of the mean, amplitude, and acrophase for the group with covariates equal to 1 and equal to 0. This may not be the desired result for continuous covariates.
test_cosinor_components Test for differences in a cosinor model between components.
test_cosinor_levels Test for differences in a cosinor model between levels of the grouping variable.
update_formula_and_data Update data and formula for fitting cglmm model
vitamind Vitamin D dataset for cosinor modelling examples.