plot.RRglmerMod {GLMMRR}R Documentation

Plot diagnostics for a RRglmerMod object


Five plots (selectable by which) are currently available: (1) a plot of estimated population prevalence per RR model, (2) a plot of estimated population prevalence per protection level, (3) a plot of random effects and their conditional variance (95 (4) a plot of conditional pearson residuals against fitted randomized response probability, and (5) a plot of unconditional pearson residuals against fitted randomized response probability. By default, plots 1, 3, 4 and 5 are provided.


## S3 method for class 'RRglmerMod'
plot(x, which = c(1, 3, 4, 5), ...)



an object of class RRglmerMod.


if a subset of the plots is required, specify a subset of the numbers 1:5 (default: 1, 3, 4, 5).


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


out <- RRglmer(response ~ Gender + RR + pp + (1+pp|age), link="RRlink.logit", RRmodel=RRmodel,
         p1=RRp1, p2=RRp2, data=Plagiarism, na.action = "na.omit",
         etastart = rep(0.01, nrow(Plagiarism)),
         control = glmerControl(optimizer = "Nelder_Mead", tolPwrss = 1e-03), nAGQ = 1)
plot(out, which = 1:5)

[Package GLMMRR version 0.5.0 Index]