ajps {GK2011} | R Documentation |
Gaines and Kuklinski (2011) AJPS data
Subset of data from Gaines and Kuklinski (2011)
- tr
The treatment indicator, where 1=treatment, 2=control, 3=chose treatment, 4=chose control.
- therm.obama
A “feeling thermometer” toward John McCain.
- therm.mccain
A “feeling thermometer” toward Barack Obama.
- pid
An indicator of party identification, where -1=Republican, 0=Independent, 1=Democrat.
This dataset contains a subset of variables, extracted from the dataset used by Gaines and Kuklinski (2011).
Brian J. Gaines and James H. Kuklinski, (2011), "Experimental Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Related to Self-Selection," American Journal of Political Science 55(3): 724-736.
See Also
# replicate Gaines and Kuklinski (2011) Table 2
pmean <- function(x) sprintf("%0.1f", mean(x))
# Democrats
aggregate(cbind(therm.mccain, therm.obama) ~ tr,
data = ajps[ajps$pid == 1, ], FUN = pmean)[, 1:3],
n_dem = aggregate(therm.obama ~ tr,
data = ajps[ajps$pid == 1, ], FUN = length)[, 2],
# Republicans
aggregate(cbind(therm.mccain, therm.obama) ~ tr,
data = ajps[ajps$pid == -1, ], FUN = pmean)[, 2:3],
n_rep = aggregate(therm.obama ~ tr,
data = ajps[ajps$pid == -1, ], FUN = length)[, 2]
# effects for McCain among Democrats
with(ajps[ajps$pid == 1, ], {
estimate(rand = tr %in% 1:2, tr = tr %in% c(1,3), y = therm.mccain)
# effects for McCain among Republicans
with(ajps[ajps$pid == -1, ], {
estimate(rand = tr %in% 1:2, tr = tr %in% c(1,3), y = therm.mccain)
# effects for Obama among Democrats
with(ajps[ajps$pid == 1, ], {
estimate(rand = tr %in% 1:2, tr = tr %in% c(1,3), y = therm.obama)
# effects for Obama among Republicans
with(ajps[ajps$pid == -1, ], {
estimate(rand = tr %in% 1:2, tr = tr %in% c(1,3), y = therm.obama)
[Package GK2011 version 0.1.3 Index]