Extension to 'ggplot2'

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Documentation for package ‘GGally’ version 2.2.1

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A B E F G H I L M N P R S T U V W misc

-- A --

add_ref_boxes Add reference boxes around each cell of the glyphmap.
add_ref_lines Add reference lines for each cell of the glyphmap.
add_to_ggmatrix Modify a 'ggmatrix' object by adding an 'ggplot2' object to all plots
australia_PISA2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Data for Australia

-- B --

baseball Yearly batting records for all major league baseball players
brew_colors RColorBrewer Set1 colors
broomify Broomify a model

-- E --

eval_data_col Evaluate data column

-- F --

flea Historical data used for classification examples.
fn_switch Function switch

-- G --

getPlot Subset a 'ggmatrix' object
ggally_autopoint Scatterplot for continuous and categorical variables
ggally_autopointDiag Scatterplot for continuous and categorical variables
ggally_barDiag Bar plot
ggally_blank Blank plot
ggally_blankDiag Blank plot
ggally_box Box plot
ggally_box_no_facet Box plot
ggally_colbar Column and row bar plots
ggally_cor Correlation value plot
ggally_cor_v1_5 Correlation value plot
ggally_count Display counts of observations
ggally_countDiag Display counts of observations
ggally_cross Plots the number of observations
ggally_crosstable Display a cross-tabulated table
ggally_density Bivariate density plot
ggally_densityDiag Univariate density plot
ggally_denstrip Tile plot with facets
ggally_diagAxis Internal axis labels for ggpairs
ggally_dot Grouped dot plot
ggally_dot_no_facet Grouped dot plot
ggally_facetbar Faceted bar plot
ggally_facetdensity Faceted density plot
ggally_facetdensitystrip Density or tiles plot with facets
ggally_facethist Faceted histogram
ggally_na NA plot
ggally_naDiag NA plot
ggally_nostic_cooksd 'ggnostic' Cook's distance
ggally_nostic_hat 'ggnostic' leverage points
ggally_nostic_line 'ggnostic' background line with geom
ggally_nostic_resid 'ggnostic' residuals
ggally_nostic_se_fit 'ggnostic' fitted value's standard error
ggally_nostic_sigma 'ggnostic' leave one out model sigma
ggally_nostic_std_resid 'ggnostic' standardized residuals
ggally_points Scatter plot
ggally_ratio Mosaic plot
ggally_rowbar Column and row bar plots
ggally_smooth Scatter plot with a smoothed line
ggally_smooth_lm Scatter plot with a smoothed line
ggally_smooth_loess Scatter plot with a smoothed line
ggally_statistic Generalized text display
ggally_summarise_by Summarize a continuous variable by each value of a discrete variable
ggally_table Display a table of the number of observations
ggally_tableDiag Display a table of the number of observations
ggally_text Text plot
ggally_trends Trends line plot
ggbivariate Display an outcome using several potential explanatory variables
ggcoef Model coefficients with 'broom' and 'ggplot2'
ggcorr Correlation matrix
ggduo 'ggplot2' generalized pairs plot for two columns sets of data
ggfacet Single 'ggplot2' plot matrix with 'facet_grid'
gglegend Plot only legend of plot function
ggmatrix 'ggplot2' plot matrix
ggmatrix_gtable 'ggmatrix' 'gtable' object
ggmatrix_location 'ggmatrix' plot locations
ggmatrix_progress 'ggmatrix' default progress bar
ggnet Network plot
ggnet2 Network plot
ggnetworkmap Network plot map overlay
ggnostic Plot matrix of statistical model diagnostics
ggpairs ggplot2 generalized pairs plot
ggparcoord Parallel coordinate plot
ggscatmat Traditional scatterplot matrix for purely quantitative variables
ggsurv Survival curves
ggtable Cross-tabulated tables of discrete variables
ggts Multiple time series
glyphplot Glyph plot class
glyphs Create 'glyphplot' data
grab_legend Grab the legend and print it as a plot

-- H --

happy Data related to happiness from the General Social Survey, 1972-2006.

-- I --

is.glyphplot Glyph plot class
is_character_column Check if plot is horizontal
is_horizontal Check if plot is horizontal

-- L --

lowertriangle lowertriangle - rearrange dataset as the preparation of 'ggscatmat' function

-- M --

mapping_color_to_fill Aesthetic mapping color fill
mapping_string Aes name
mapping_swap_x_y Swap x and y mapping
max1 Rescaling functions
mean0 Rescaling functions
min0 Rescaling functions
model_beta_label Model term names
model_beta_variables Model term names
model_response_variables Model term names

-- N --

nasa Data from the Data Expo JSM 2006.

-- P --

pigs United Kingdom Pig Production
print.ggmatrix Print 'ggmatrix' object
print.glyphplot Glyph plot class
print.legend_guide_box Grab the legend and print it as a plot
print_if_interactive Print if not CRAN
psychademic UCLA canonical correlation analysis data
putPlot Insert a plot into a 'ggmatrix' object

-- R --

range01 Rescaling functions
remove_color_unless_equal Remove colour mapping unless found in select mapping keys
rescale01 Rescaling functions
rescale11 Rescaling functions

-- S --

scag_order Find order of variables
scatmat Plots the lowertriangle and density plots of the scatter plot matrix.
singleClassOrder Order axis variables
skewness Sample skewness
StatGGallyCount Display counts of observations
stat_ggally_count Display counts of observations
str.ggmatrix 'ggmatrix' structure

-- T --

tips Tipping data
twitter_spambots Twitter spambots

-- U --

uppertriangle Rearrange dataset as the preparation of 'ggscatmat' function

-- V --

v1_ggmatrix_theme Modify a 'ggmatrix' object by adding an 'ggplot2' object to all
vig_ggally View GGally vignettes

-- W --

weighted_mean_sd Summarize a continuous variable by each value of a discrete variable
weighted_median_iqr Summarize a continuous variable by each value of a discrete variable
wrap Wrap a function with different parameter values
wrapp Wrap a function with different parameter values
wrap_fn_with_params Wrap a function with different parameter values
wrap_fn_with_param_arg Wrap a function with different parameter values

-- misc --

+.gg Modify a 'ggmatrix' object by adding an 'ggplot2' object to all plots
[.ggmatrix Subset a 'ggmatrix' object
[.glyphplot Glyph plot class
[<-.ggmatrix Insert a plot into a 'ggmatrix' object