{GEVcdn}R Documentation

Fit a GEV CDN model


Fit a GEV CDN model via nonlinear optimization of the generalized maximum likelihood cost function.

Usage, y, iter.max = 1000, n.hidden = 2,
           Th = gevcdn.logistic, fixed = NULL,
           init.range = c(-0.25, 0.25),
           scale.min = .Machine$double.eps, beta.p = 3.3,
           beta.q = 2, sd.norm = Inf, n.trials = 5,
           method = c("BFGS", "Nelder-Mead"), max.fails = 100, ...)



covariate matrix with number of rows equal to the number of samples and number of columns equal to the number of variables.


column matrix of target values with number of rows equal to the number of samples.


maximum number of iterations of optimization algorithm.


number of hidden nodes in the GEV CDN model.


hidden layer transfer function; defaults to gevcdn.logistic.


vector indicating GEV parameters to be held constant; elements chosen from c("location", "scale", "shape")


range for random weights on [min(init.range), max(init.range)]


minimum allowable value for the GEV scale parameter.


shape1 parameter for shifted beta distribution prior for GEV shape parameter.


shape2 parameter for shifted beta distribution prior for GEV shape parameter.


sd parameter for normal distribution prior for the magnitude of input-hidden layer weights; equivalent to weight penalty regularization.


number of repeated trials used to avoid shallow local minima during optimization


optimization method for optim function; must be chosen from c("BFGS", "Nelder-Mead").


maximum number of repeated exceptions allowed during optimization


additional arguments passed to the control list of optim function


Fit a nonstationary GEV CDN model (Cannon, 2010) by minimizing a cost function based on the generalized maximum likelihood of Martins and Stedinger (2000). The hidden layer transfer function Th should be set to gevcdn.logistic for a nonlinear model and to gevcdn.identity for a linear model. In the nonlinear case, the number of hidden nodes n.hidden controls the overall complexity of the model. GEV parameters can be held constant (i.e., stationary) via the fixed argument. The form of the shifted beta distribution prior for the GEV shape parameter is controlled by the beta.p and beta.q arguments. By default, these are set to values used in Cannon (2010). Other alternatives include values recommended by Martins and Stedinger (2000) (beta.p = 9 and beta.q = 6) or values following from the normal distribution reported by Papalexiou and Koutsoyiannis (2013) (beta.p = 71.1 and beta.q = 44.7). Weight penalty regularization for the magnitude of the input-hidden layer weights can be applied by setting sd.norm to a value less than Inf.

Values of the Akaike information criterion (AIC), Akaike information criterion with small sample size correction (AICc), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) are calculated to assist in model selection. It is possible for such criteria to fail in the face of overfitting, for example with a nonlinear model and n.hidden set too high, as the GEV distribution may converge on one or more samples. This can usually be diagnosed by inspecting the scale parameter for near zero values. In this case, one can apply a weight penalty (via sd.norm), although this rules out the use of AIC/AICc/BIC for model selection as the effective number of model parameters will no longer equal the number of weights in the GEV CDN model. Alternatively, a lower threshold (as a proportion of the range of y) for the scale parameter can be set via scale.min. Finally, bootstrap aggregation is available via gevcdn.bag as a second method for fitting GEV CDN models.

Note: values of x and y need not be standardized or rescaled by the user. All variables are automatically scaled to range between 0 and 1 prior to fitting and parameters are automatically rescaled by gevcdn.evaluate.


a list consisting of


input-hidden layer weights


hidden-output layer weights

Attributes indicating the minimum/maximum values of x and y; the values of Th, fixed, scale.min; the negative of the logarithm of the generalized maximum likelihood GML, the negative of the logarithm of the likelihood NLL, the value of the penalty term penalty, the Bayesian information criterion BIC, the Akaike information criterion with (AICc) and without (AIC) small sample size correction; and the number of model parameters k are also returned.


Cannon, A.J., 2010. A flexible nonlinear modelling framework for nonstationary generalized extreme value analysis in hydroclimatology. Hydrological Processes, 24: 673-685. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7506

Martins, E.S. and J.R. Stedinger, 2000. Generalized maximum-likelihood generalized extreme-value quantile estimators for hydrologic data. Water Resources Research, 36:737-744. DOI: 10.1029/1999WR900330

Papalexiou, S.M. and Koutsoyiannis, D., 2013. Battle of extreme value distributions: A global survey on extreme daily rainfall. Water Resources Research, 49(1), 187-201. DOI: 10.1029/2012WR012557

See Also

gevcdn.cost, gevcdn.evaluate, gevcdn.bag, gevcdn.bootstrap, dgev, optim


## Generate synthetic data, quantiles

x <- as.matrix(seq(0.1, 1, length = 50))

loc <- x^2
scl <- x/2
shp <- seq(-0.1, 0.3, length = length(x))

y <- as.matrix(rgev(length(x), location = loc, scale = scl,
               shape = shp))
q <- sapply(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), qgev, location = loc, scale = scl,
            shape = shp)

## Define a hierarchy of models of increasing complexity

models <- vector("list", 4)
# Stationary model
models[[1]] <- list(Th = gevcdn.identity,
                    fixed = c("location", "scale", "shape"))
# Linear model
models[[2]] <- list(Th = gevcdn.identity)
# Nonlinear, 1 hidden node
models[[3]] <- list(n.hidden = 1, Th = gevcdn.logistic)
# Nonlinear, 2 hidden nodes
models[[4]] <- list(n.hidden = 2, Th = gevcdn.logistic)

## Fit models

weights.models <- vector("list", length(models))
for(i in seq_along(models)){
    weights.models[[i]] <- = x, y = y, n.trials = 1,
                                      n.hidden = models[[i]]$n.hidden,
                                      Th = models[[i]]$Th,
                                      fixed = models[[i]]$fixed)

## Select model with minimum AICc

models.AICc <- sapply(weights.models, attr, which = "AICc") <- weights.models[[which.min(models.AICc)]] <- gevcdn.evaluate(x,

## 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles <- sapply(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), qgev,
                 location =[,"location"],
                 scale =[,"scale"],
                 shape =[,"shape"])

## Plot data and quantiles

matplot(x, cbind(y, q,, type = c("b", rep("l", 6)),
        lty = c(1, rep(c(1, 2, 1), 2)),
        lwd = c(1, rep(c(3, 2, 3), 2)),
        col = c("red", rep("orange", 3), rep("blue", 3)),
        pch = 19, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "")

[Package GEVcdn version 1.1.6-2 Index]