GENMETA.plot {GENMETA} | R Documentation |
Generalized Meta-analysis(forest plot)
This function plots the confidence intervals with boxes as the study specific estimates and diamond as the GENMETA estimate. For the current version, it assumes that the estimate of the variance-covariance matrix in each of the studies is provided. It is demonstrated using a different dataset, "study_info_plot", which meets the assumption.
GENMETA.plot(x, study_info_plot)
x |
an object of class "GENMETA" |
study_info_plot |
a list of lists containing information about the studies(similar to the study_info argument used in GENMETA function.) |
# This example shows how to obtain the forest plot of GENMETA object.
### Basic setting #######
d.X = 3 # number of covariates.
mu = matrix(rep(0,d.X), nrow=d.X) # mean vector of the covariates.
r1 = 0.3 # correlation coefficient of the covariates.
r2 = 0.6
r3 = 0.1
Sigma = matrix(
c(1, r1, r2,
r1, 1, r3,
r2, r3, 1),
ncol=d.X) # covariance matrix of the covariates. = matrix(c(-1.2, log(1.3), log(1.3), log(1.3)),nrow = d.X+1) = matrix(c(-1.2, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26),nrow = d.X+1) # = matrix(c(-3, 1, 2, 3),nrow = d.X+1) #
n1 = 300 # sample size of the 1st data set.
n2 = 500 # 2nd
n3 = 1000 # 3rd
n = 50
X.rf = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu, Sigma)
X.m1 = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n1, mu, Sigma) # Generate the covariates.
X.m1.1 = cbind(rep(1, n1), X.m1) # Add a column of 1's to X.m1.
p.m1 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m1.1%* # the vector of probabilities
Y.m1 = rbinom(n1, size=1, p.m1) # the Bernoulli responses
# print(p.m1[1])
# print(mean(Y.m1))
# print(mean(p.m1))
# Generate data set 2. m1 means model 2.
X.m2 = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n2, mu, Sigma)
X.m2.1 = cbind(rep(1, n2), X.m2)
p.m2 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m2.1%*
Y.m2 = rbinom(n2, size=1, p.m2)
X.m3 = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n3, mu, Sigma)
X.m3.1 = cbind(rep(1, n3), X.m3)
p.m3 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m3.1%*
Y.m3 = rbinom(n3, size=1, p.m3)
### Create data sets in the format of data frame.
data.m1 = data.frame(Y=Y.m1, X.m1)
data.m2 = data.frame(Y=Y.m2, X.m2)
data.m3 = data.frame(Y=Y.m3, X.m3)
### Apply logistic regression with reduced models to the data sets
logit.m1 <- glm(Y ~ X1 + X2, data = data.m1, family = "binomial")
# print(logit.m1)
if(logit.m1$converged == FALSE)
print("glm for logit.m1 is not convergent.")
logit.m2 <- glm(Y ~ X2 + X3, data = data.m2, family = "binomial")
# print(logit.m2)
if(logit.m2$converged == FALSE)
print("glm for logit.m2 is not convergent.")
logit.m3 <- glm(Y ~ X1 + X3, data = data.m3, family = "binomial")
# print(logit.m3)
if(logit.m3$converged == FALSE)
print("glm for logit.m3 is not convergent.")
### Obtain the estimators of the parameters in the reduced models.
theta.m1 = logit.m1$coefficients
theta.m2 = logit.m2$coefficients
theta.m3 = logit.m3$coefficients
### Find the covariance matrix estimators for the reduced models
# Basic notations for inputs
K = 3 # Number of data sets
A1 = c(1, 2) # index set A1, the indexes of the covariates of data set 1.
A2 = c(2, 3) # index set A2
A3 = c(1, 3) # index set A3
X.m1.used = cbind(rep(1, n1), X.m1[, A1, drop=FALSE])
X.m2.used = cbind(rep(1, n2), X.m2[, A2, drop=FALSE])
X.m3.used = cbind(rep(1, n3), X.m3[, A3, drop=FALSE])
# str(X.m1.used)
# str(X.m2.used)
# str(X.m3.used)
##### Find Sigma.m1
T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A1)+1)^2), nrow=length(A1)+1)
T.2 = T.1
for (i in 1:n1)
a = as.vector(exp(-X.m1.used[i, , drop=FALSE]%*%theta.m1))
T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m1.used[i, , drop=FALSE])%*%X.m1.used[i, , drop=FALSE])
for (i in 1:n1)
a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m1.used[i, , drop=FALSE]%*%theta.m1)))
T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m1[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m1.used[i, , drop=FALSE])%*%X.m1.used[i, , drop=FALSE])
Sigma.m1 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1) # This is actually Sigma.m1.n1.
##### Find Sigma.m2
T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A2)+1)^2), nrow=length(A2)+1)
T.2 = T.1
for (i in 1:n2)
a = as.vector(exp(-X.m2.used[i, , drop=FALSE]%*%theta.m2))
T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m2.used[i, , drop=FALSE])%*%X.m2.used[i, , drop=FALSE])
for (i in 1:n2)
a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m2.used[i, , drop=FALSE]%*%theta.m2)))
T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m2[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m2.used[i, , drop=FALSE])%*%X.m2.used[i, , drop=FALSE])
Sigma.m2 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)
##### Find Sigma.m3
T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A3)+1)^2), nrow=length(A3)+1)
T.2 = T.1
for (i in 1:n3)
a = as.vector(exp(-X.m3.used[i, , drop=FALSE]%*%theta.m3))
T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m3.used[i, , drop=FALSE])%*%X.m3.used[i, , drop=FALSE])
for (i in 1:n3)
a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m3.used[i, , drop=FALSE]%*%theta.m3)))
T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m3[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m3.used[i, , drop=FALSE])%*%X.m3.used[i, , drop=FALSE])
Sigma.m3 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)
names(theta.m2)=c("(Intercept)","Height", "Weight")
names(theta.m3)=c("(Intercept)","Age", "Weight")
study1 = list(Coeff=theta.m1,Covariance=Sigma.m1,Sample_size=n1)
study2 = list(Coeff=theta.m2,Covariance=Sigma.m2,Sample_size=n2)
study3 = list(Coeff=theta.m3,Covariance=Sigma.m3,Sample_size=n3)
studies = list(study1,study2,study3)
model = "logistic"
reference = cbind(rep(1,n), X.rf)
colnames(reference) = c("(Intercept)","Age","Height", "Weight")
result_diff <- GENMETA(studies, reference, model, variable_intercepts = TRUE)
GENMETA.plot(result_diff, studies)
[Package GENMETA version 0.2.0 Index]