Package for Reading Binary Files

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Documentation for package ‘GENEAread’ version 2.0.10

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GENEAread-package A package to process binary accelerometer output files.
AccData Accelerometer Data Object
acf.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
apply.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
as.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
autocor.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
Axis.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
axis.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
c.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
convert.time convert.time
epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
format.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
GENEActiv.calibrate GENEActiv.calibrate
GENEAread A package to process binary accelerometer output files.
get.intervals Extract an interval of data.
GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
hanning.window Hanning Window Get header info from GENEA output (.bin) file
mad.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
mean.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
median.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
Ops.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
parse.time Parses a character time representation to another format.
plot.stft plot stft
pretty.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
print.GRtime Date time handling for the GENEAread package.
print.stft print.stft
print.VirtAccData Extract an interval of data.
quantile.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
read.bin A package to process binary accelerometer output files.
recalibrate recalibrate
sd.epoch Compute epochal summary statistics.
stft Computes Short Time Fourier Transforms
svm sum vector magnitude
uniform.window Uniform Window
VirtAccData Extract an interval of data.