CGEInfo {GEInfo} | R Documentation |
CGEInfo and GEsgMCP approaches with fixed tunings
Realize to estimate CGEInfo and GEsgMCP approaches at fixed tunings.
xi = 6,
epsilon = 0, = 500,
thresh = 0.001,
E |
Observed matrix of E variables, of dimensions n x q. |
G |
Observed matrix of G variables, of dimensions n x p. |
Y |
Response variable of length n. Quantitative for family="gaussian", or family="poisson" (non-negative count). For family="binomial" should be a factor with two levels. |
family |
Model type: one of ("gaussian", "binomial", "poisson"). |
lam1 |
A user supplied lambda1. |
lam2 |
A user supplied lambda2. |
xi |
Tuning parameter of MCP penalty. Default is 6. |
epsilon |
Tuning parameter of Ridge penalty which shrinks the coefficients of variables having prior information. Default is 0. | |
Maximum number of iterations (total across entire path). Default is 500. |
thresh |
Convergence threshold for group coordinate descent algorithm. The algorithm iterates until the change for each coefficient is less than thresh. Default is 1e-3. |
S_G |
A user supplied vector, denoting the subscript of G variables which have prior information. Default is NULL. |
S_GE |
A user supplied matrix, denoting the subscript of G-E interactions which have prior information. The first and second columns of S_GE represent the subscript of G variable and the subscript of E variable, respectively. For example, S_GE = matrix( c(1, 2), ncol = 2), which indicates that the 1st G and the 2nd E variables have an interaction effect on Y. Default is NULL. If both S_G and S_GE are NULL, no prior information is incorporated in the model, in which case function CGEInfo realizes GEsgMCP approach. |
An object of class "GEInfo" is returned, which is a list including the estimation results at fixed tunings.
a |
Coefficient vector of length q for E variables. |
b |
Coefficient vector of length (q+1)p for W (G variables and G-E interactions). |
beta |
Coefficient vector of length p for G variables. |
gamma |
Coefficient matrix of dimensions p*q for G-E interactions. |
alpha |
Intercept. |
coef |
A coefficient vector of length (q+1)*(p+1), including the estimates for |
Wang X, Xu Y, and Ma S. (2019). Identifying gene-environment interactions incorporating prior information. Statistics in medicine, 38(9): 1620-1633. doi: 10.1002/sim.8064
n <- 30; p <- 5; q <- 2
E <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, rep(0,q), diag(q))
G <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, rep(0,p), diag(p))
W <- matW(E, G)
alpha <- 0; a <- seq(0.4, 0.6, length=q);
beta <- c(seq(0.2, 0.5, length=3),rep(0, p-3)) # coefficients of G variables
vector.gamma <- c(0.8, 0.5, 0, 0)
gamma <- matrix(c(vector.gamma, rep(0, p*q - length(vector.gamma))), nrow=p, byrow=TRUE)
mat.b.gamma <- cbind(beta, gamma)
b <- as.vector (t(mat.b.gamma)) # coefficients of G and G-E interactions
Y <- alpha + E %*% a + W %*% b + rnorm (n, 0, 0.5)
S_G <- c(1)
S_GE <- cbind(c(1), c(1))
fit1 <- CGEInfo(E, G, Y,family='gaussian', S_G=S_G, S_GE=S_GE,lam1=0.4,lam2=0.4)