gemTwoCountryPureExchange_Bond {GE} | R Documentation |
Some Examples of Two-Country Pure Exchange Economy with Bond
Some general equilibrium examples of two-country pure exchange economy with bond.
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arguments to be passed to the function sdm2. |
A general equilibrium.
es.DFProd <- 0.8 # substitution elasticity between domestic and foreign products
technology.level.CHN <- 1
# the amount of outbound investment corresponding to each unit of consumption
outbound.investment.rate <- 0.1
dst.consumption <- node_new("consumption",
type = "SCES", alpha = 1, beta = c(0.5, 0.5), es = es.DFProd,
"prod.CHN", "prod.USA"
node_set(dst.consumption, "prod.CHN",
type = "Leontief", a = 1 / technology.level.CHN,
node_set(dst.consumption, "prod.USA",
type = "Leontief", a = 1,
dst.CHN <- node_new("CHN",
type = "FIN", rate = c(1, outbound.investment.rate),
dst.consumption, "bond.USA"
dst.USA <- Clone(dst.consumption)
dstl <- list(dst.CHN, dst.USA)
ge <- sdm2(dstl,
names.commodity = c("lab.CHN", "lab.USA", "bond.USA"),
names.agent = c("CHN", "USA"),
B = matrix(0, 3, 2, TRUE),
S0Exg = matrix(c(
100, 0,
0, 100,
0, 100
), 3, 2, TRUE),
numeraire = "lab.CHN"
#### Add currencies to the example above.
es.DFProd <- 0.8
technology.level.CHN <- 1
outbound.investment.rate <- 0.1
interest.rate <- 1e-4
prod_money.CHN <- node_new("prod_money.CHN",
type = "FIN", rate = c(1, interest.rate),
"prod.CHN", "money.CHN"
node_set(prod_money.CHN, "prod.CHN",
type = "Leontief", a = 1 / technology.level.CHN,
prod_money.USA <- node_new("prod_money.USA",
type = "FIN", rate = c(1, interest.rate),
"prod.USA", "money.USA"
node_set(prod_money.USA, "prod.USA",
type = "Leontief", a = 1,
dst.CHN <- node_new("CHN",
type = "FIN",
rate = c(
1, outbound.investment.rate,
outbound.investment.rate * interest.rate
"consumption", "bond.USA", "money.USA"
node_set(dst.CHN, "consumption",
type = "SCES", alpha = 1, beta = c(0.5, 0.5), es = es.DFProd,
prod_money.CHN, prod_money.USA
dst.USA <- Clone(node_set(dst.CHN, "consumption"))
dstl <- list(dst.CHN, dst.USA)
ge <- sdm2(dstl,
names.commodity = c(
"lab.CHN", "money.CHN",
"lab.USA", "money.USA",
names.agent = c("CHN", "USA"),
B = matrix(0, 5, 2, TRUE),
S0Exg = matrix(c(
100, 0,
100, 0,
0, 100,
0, 100,
0, 100
), 5, 2, TRUE),
numeraire = c("money.CHN" = interest.rate)
ge$p["money.USA"] / ge$p["money.CHN"] # the exchange rate
[Package GE version 0.4.5 Index]