gemIntertemporal_4_4 {GE}R Documentation

An Intertemporal Model with Land, Two Consumers and Two Types of Firms


An (intertemporal) timeline model with two consumers (i.e. a laborer and a landowner) and two types of firms (i.e. wheat producers and iron producers). There are four commodities in the model, namely wheat, iron, labor and land.





arguments to be passed to the function sdm2.


np <- 15 # the number of economic periods
alpha.firm.wheat <- rep(5, np - 1)
alpha.firm.iron <- rep(5, np - 1)

Gamma.beta <- 0.97 # 1, 1.03 # the subjective discount factor of consumers
eis <- 0.5 # the elasticity of intertemporal substitution  of consumers
y1.wheat <- 100 # 126, 129.96
y1.iron <- 30 # 40.59, 43.47

gr <- 0 # the growth rate in the steady state equilibrium

last.beta.laborer <- 0
last.beta.landowner <- 0

names.commodity <- c(
  paste0("wheat", 1:np),
  paste0("iron", 1:np),
  paste0("lab", 1:(np - 1)),
  paste0("land", 1:(np - 1))

names.agent <- c(
  paste0("firm", 1:(np - 1), ".wheat"), paste0("firm", 1:(np - 1), ".iron"),
  "laborer", "landowner"

f <- function(policy = NULL) {
  n <- length(names.commodity) # the number of commodity kinds
  m <- length(names.agent) # the number of agent kinds

  # the exogenous supply matrix.
  S0Exg <- matrix(NA, n, m, dimnames = list(names.commodity, names.agent))
  S0Exg["wheat1", "laborer"] <- y1.wheat
  S0Exg["iron1", "landowner"] <- y1.iron
  S0Exg[paste0("lab", 1:(np - 1)), "laborer"] <- 100 * (1 + gr)^(0:(np - 2)) # the supply of labor
  S0Exg[paste0("land", 1:(np - 1)), "landowner"] <- 100 * (1 + gr)^(0:(np - 2)) # the supply of land

  # the output coefficient matrix.
  B <- matrix(0, n, m, dimnames = list(names.commodity, names.agent))
  for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
    B[paste0("wheat", k + 1), paste0("firm", k, ".wheat")] <- 1
    B[paste0("iron", k + 1), paste0("firm", k, ".iron")] <- 1

  dstl.firm.wheat <- dstl.firm.iron <- list()
  for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
    dstl.firm.wheat[[k]] <- node_new(
      type = "CES", es = 0.8,
      alpha = alpha.firm.wheat[k], beta = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4),
      paste0("iron", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)

    dstl.firm.iron[[k]] <- node_new(
      type = "CES", es = 0.8,
      alpha = alpha.firm.iron[k], beta = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2),
      paste0("iron", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)

  tmp.beta <- Gamma.beta^(1:(np - 1))
  tmp.beta <- tmp.beta / tmp.beta[np - 1]
  tmp.beta <- c(tmp.beta, last.beta.laborer)
  dst.laborer <- node_new(
    type = "CES", es = eis,
    alpha = 1, beta = prop.table(tmp.beta),
    paste0("cc", 1:(np - 1)), paste0("wheat", np)
  for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
    node_set(dst.laborer, paste0("cc", k),
             type = "CES", es = 1,
             alpha = 1, beta = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2),
             paste0("wheat", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)

  tmp.beta <- Gamma.beta^(1:(np - 1))
  tmp.beta <- tmp.beta / tmp.beta[np - 1]
  tmp.beta <- c(tmp.beta, last.beta.landowner)
  dst.landowner <- node_new(
    type = "CES", es = eis,
    alpha = 1, beta = prop.table(tmp.beta),
    paste0("cc", 1:(np - 1)), paste0("iron", np)
  for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
    node_set(dst.landowner, paste0("cc", k),
             type = "CES", es = 1,
             alpha = 1, beta = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4),
             paste0("wheat", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)
  ge <- sdm2(
    A = c(dstl.firm.wheat, dstl.firm.iron, Clone(dst.laborer), Clone(dst.landowner)),
    B = B,
    S0Exg = S0Exg,
    names.commodity = names.commodity,
    names.agent = names.agent,
    numeraire = "lab1",
    policy = policy,
    ts = TRUE,
    maxIteration = 1,
    numberOfPeriods = 1000,
    priceAdjustmentVelocity = 0.05

  plot(ge$z[1:(np - 1)],
       type = "o", pch = 20, ylab = "production level",
       xlab = "time", ylim = range(ge$z[1:(2 * np - 2)])
  lines(ge$z[np:(2 * np - 2)], type = "o", pch = 21)
  legend("bottom", c("wheat", "iron"), pch = 20:21)


ge <- f()
plot(2:(np - 1), ge$z[1:(np - 2)],
     type = "o", pch = 20, ylab = "production output",
     xlab = "time", ylim = range(ge$z[1:(2 * np - 2)])
lines(2:(np - 1), ge$z[np:(2 * np - 3)], type = "o", pch = 21)
legend("bottom", c("wheat", "iron"), pch = 20:21)

## Compute the steady-state equilibrium based on head and tail adjustments.
policyHeadAdjustment <- makePolicyHeadAdjustment(
  ind = rbind(
      which(names.commodity == "wheat1"), which(names.agent == "laborer"),
      which(names.commodity == "wheat2"), which(names.agent == "firm1.wheat")
      which(names.commodity == "iron1"), which(names.agent == "landowner"),
      which(names.commodity == "iron2"), which(names.agent == "firm1.iron")
  gr = gr
policyTailAdjustment <- makePolicyTailAdjustment(
  ind = rbind(
    c(which(names.agent == paste0("firm", np - 1, ".wheat")), which(names.agent == "laborer")),
    c(which(names.agent == paste0("firm", np - 1, ".iron")), which(names.agent == "landowner"))
  gr = gr

f(list(policyHeadAdjustment, policyTailAdjustment))$z

## the corresponding sequential model with the same steady-state equilibrium.
dividend.rate <- sserr(eis, Gamma.beta, prepaid = TRUE)

dst.firm.wheat <- node_new("prod",
                           type = "FIN", rate = c(1, dividend.rate),
                           "cc1", "equity.share.wheat"
node_set(dst.firm.wheat, "cc1",
         type = "CES", es = 0.8,
         alpha = 5, beta = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4),
         "iron", "lab", "land"

dst.firm.iron <- node_new("prod",
                          type = "FIN", rate = c(1, dividend.rate),
                          "cc1", "equity.share.iron"
node_set(dst.firm.iron, "cc1",
         type = "CES", es = 0.8,
         alpha = 5, beta = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2),
         "iron", "lab", "land"

dst.laborer <- node_new("util",
                        type = "CES", es = 1,
                        alpha = 1, beta = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2),
                        "wheat", "lab", "land"

dst.landowner <- node_new("util",
                          type = "CES", es = 1,
                          alpha = 1, beta = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4),
                          "wheat", "lab", "land"

ge <- sdm2(
  A = list(dst.firm.wheat, dst.firm.iron, dst.laborer, dst.landowner),
  B = matrix(c(
    1, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0
  ), 6, 4, TRUE),
  S0Exg = matrix(c(
    NA, NA, NA, NA,
    NA, NA, NA, NA,
    NA, NA, 100, NA,
    NA, NA, NA, 100,
    NA, NA, 100, NA,
    NA, NA, NA, 100
  ), 6, 4, TRUE),
  names.commodity = c(
    "wheat", "iron", "lab", "land",
    "equity.share.wheat", "equity.share.iron"
  names.agent = c("firm.wheat", "firm.iron", "laborer", "landowner"),
  numeraire = "lab"


# f(policyTailAdjustment)

## an anticipated technological shock
# np <- 50 # the number of economic periods
# alpha.firm.wheat <- rep(5, np - 1)
# alpha.firm.iron <- rep(5, np - 1)
# alpha.firm.iron[25] <- 10
# names.commodity <- c(
#   paste0("wheat", 1:np),
#   paste0("iron", 1:np),
#   paste0("lab", 1:(np - 1)),
#   paste0("land", 1:(np - 1))
# )
# names.agent <- c(
#   paste0("firm", 1:(np - 1), ".wheat"), paste0("firm", 1:(np - 1), ".iron"),
#   "laborer", "landowner"
# )
# ge <- f()
# plot(2:(np - 1), ge$z[1:(np - 2)],
#      type = "o", pch = 20, ylab = "production output",
#      xlab = "time", ylim = range(ge$z[1:(2 * np - 2)])
# )
# lines(2:(np - 1), ge$z[np:(2 * np - 3)], type = "o", pch = 21)
# legend("bottom", c("wheat", "iron"), pch = 20:21)
# grid()

# #### a structural transformation path
# np <- 50
# tax.rate <- 0.1 # the tax rate imposed on income from land and labor income.
# tax.time <- 1 # tax.time <- 20
# alpha.firm.wheat <- rep(5, np - 1)
# # Suppose the tax rate is high enough so that the iron
# # producer's efficiency coefficient immediately rises to 10.
# alpha.firm.iron <- c()
# for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
#   alpha.firm.iron[k] <- ifelse(k <= tax.time, 5, 10)
# }
# Gamma.beta <- 0.97 # 1, 1.03 # the subjective discount factor of consumers
# eis <- 0.5 # the elasticity of intertemporal substitution  of consumers
# y1.wheat <- 100
# y1.iron <- 30
# last.beta.laborer <- 0
# last.beta.landowner <- 0
# names.commodity <- c(
#   paste0("wheat", 1:np),
#   paste0("iron", 1:np),
#   paste0("lab", 1:(np - 1)),
#   paste0("land", 1:(np - 1))
# )
# names.agent <- c(
#   paste0("firm", 1:(np - 1), ".wheat"), paste0("firm", 1:(np - 1), ".iron"),
#   "laborer", "landowner"
# )
# n <- length(names.commodity) # the number of commodity kinds
# m <- length(names.agent) # the number of agent kinds
# # the exogenous supply matrix.
# S0Exg <- matrix(NA, n, m, dimnames = list(names.commodity, names.agent))
# S0Exg["wheat1", "laborer"] <- y1.wheat
# S0Exg["iron1", "landowner"] <- y1.iron
# S0Exg[paste0("lab", 1:(np - 1)), "laborer"] <- 100 # the supply of labor
# S0Exg[paste0("land", 1:(np - 1)), "landowner"] <- 100 # the supply of land
# S0Exg[paste0("lab", tax.time), paste0("firm", tax.time, ".iron")] <-
#   S0Exg[paste0("lab", tax.time), "laborer"] * tax.rate
# S0Exg[paste0("land", tax.time), paste0("firm", tax.time, ".iron")] <-
#   S0Exg[paste0("land", tax.time), "landowner"] * tax.rate
# S0Exg[paste0("lab", tax.time), "laborer"] <-
#   S0Exg[paste0("lab", tax.time), "laborer"] * (1 - tax.rate)
# S0Exg[paste0("land", tax.time), "landowner"] <-
#   S0Exg[paste0("land", tax.time), "landowner"] * (1 - tax.rate)
# # the output coefficient matrix.
# B <- matrix(0, n, m, dimnames = list(names.commodity, names.agent))
# for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
#   B[paste0("wheat", k + 1), paste0("firm", k, ".wheat")] <- 1
#   B[paste0("iron", k + 1), paste0("firm", k, ".iron")] <- 1
# }
# dstl.firm.wheat <- dstl.firm.iron <- list()
# for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
#   dstl.firm.wheat[[k]] <- node_new(
#     "prod",
#     type = "CES", es = 0.8,
#     alpha = alpha.firm.wheat[k], beta = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4),
#     paste0("iron", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)
#   )
#   dstl.firm.iron[[k]] <- node_new(
#     "prod",
#     type = "CES", es = 0.8,
#     alpha = alpha.firm.iron[k], beta = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2),
#     paste0("iron", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)
#   )
# }
# tmp.beta <- Gamma.beta^(1:(np - 1))
# tmp.beta <- tmp.beta / tmp.beta[np - 1]
# tmp.beta <- c(tmp.beta, last.beta.laborer)
# dst.laborer <- node_new(
#   "util",
#   type = "CES", es = eis,
#   alpha = 1, beta = prop.table(tmp.beta),
#   paste0("cc", 1:(np - 1)), paste0("wheat", np)
# )
# for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
#   node_set(dst.laborer, paste0("cc", k),
#            type = "CES", es = 1,
#            alpha = 1, beta = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2),
#            paste0("wheat", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)
#   )
# }
# tmp.beta <- Gamma.beta^(1:(np - 1))
# tmp.beta <- tmp.beta / tmp.beta[np - 1]
# tmp.beta <- c(tmp.beta, last.beta.landowner)
# dst.landowner <- node_new(
#   "util",
#   type = "CES", es = eis,
#   alpha = 1, beta = prop.table(tmp.beta),
#   paste0("cc", 1:(np - 1)), paste0("iron", np)
# )
# for (k in 1:(np - 1)) {
#   node_set(dst.landowner, paste0("cc", k),
#            type = "CES", es = 1,
#            alpha = 1, beta = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4),
#            paste0("wheat", k), paste0("lab", k), paste0("land", k)
#   )
# }
# ge <- sdm2(
#   A = c(dstl.firm.wheat, dstl.firm.iron, Clone(dst.laborer), Clone(dst.landowner)),
#   B = B,
#   S0Exg = S0Exg,
#   names.commodity = names.commodity,
#   names.agent = names.agent,
#   numeraire = "lab1",
#   ts = TRUE,
#   maxIteration = 1,
#   numberOfPeriods = 1000,
#   priceAdjustmentVelocity = 0.05
# )
# plot(2:(np - 1), ge$z[1:(np - 2)],
#      type = "o", pch = 20, ylab = "production output",
#      xlab = "time", ylim = range(ge$z[1:(2 * np - 2)])
# )
# lines(2:(np - 1), ge$z[np:(2 * np - 3)], type = "o", pch = 21)
# legend("bottom", c("wheat", "iron"), pch = 20:21)

[Package GE version 0.4.5 Index]