NonlinearFit {GB2}R Documentation

Fitting the GB2 by Minimizing the Distance Between a Set of Empirical Indicators and Their GB2 Expressions


Fitting the parameters of the GB2 distribution by optimizing the squared weighted distance between a set of empirical indicators, i.e. the median, the ARPR, the RMPG, the QSR and the Gini coefficient, and the GB2 indicators using nonlinear least squares (function nls from package stats).


nlsfit.gb2(med, ei4, par0=c(1/ei4[4],med,1,1), cva=1, bound1=par0[1]*max(0.2,1-2*cva), 
bound2=par0[1]*min(2,1+2*cva), ei4w=1/ei4)



numeric; the empirical median.


numeric; the values of the empirical indicators.


numeric; vector of initial values for the GB2 parameters a,b,pa, b, p and qq. The default is to take aa equal to the inverse of the empirical Gini coefficient, bb equal to the empirical median and p=q=1p = q = 1.


numeric; the coefficient of variation of the ML estimate of the parameter aa. The default value is 1.

bound1, bound2

numeric; the lower and upper bounds for the parameter aa in the algorithm. The default values are 0.2a00.2*a_{0} and 2a02*a_{0}, where a0a_{0} is the initial value of the parameter aa.


numeric; vector of weights of to be passed to the nls function. The default values are the inverse of the empirical indicators.


We consider the following set of indicators A=(median,ARPR,RMPG,QSR,Gini)A = (median, ARPR, RMPG, QSR, Gini) and their corresponding GB2 expressions AGB2A_{GB2}. We fit the parameters of the GB2 in two consecutive steps. In the first step, we use the set of indicators, excluding the median, and their corresponding expressions in function of aa, apap and aqaq. The bounds for aa are defined in function of the coefficient of variation of the fitted parameter (^a)\hat(a). The nonlinear model that is passed to nls is given by:

i=14ci(Aempir,iAGB2,i(a,ap,aq))2,\sum_{i=1}^4 c_i (A_{empir,i}-A_{GB2,i}(a,ap,aq))^2,

where the weights cic_i take the differing scales into account and are given by the vector ei4w. apap and aqaq are bounded so that the constraints for the existence of the moments of the GB2 distribution and the excess for calculating the Gini coefficient are fulfilled, i.e. ap1ap \ge 1 and aq2aq \ge 2. In the second step, only the the parameter bb is estimated, optimizing the weighted square difference between the empirical median and the GB2 median in function of the already obtained NLS parameters a,pa, p and qq.


nlsfit.gb2 returns a list of three values: the fitted GB2 parameters, the first fitted object and the second fitted object.


Monique Graf and Desislava Nedyalkova

See Also

nls, Thomae, moment.gb2


# Takes long time to run, as it makes a call to the function ml.gb2

## Not run: 

# Personal income
inc <- as.vector(eusilc$eqIncome)

# Sampling weights
w <- eusilc$rb050

# Data set
d <- data.frame(inc, w)
d <- d[!$inc),]
# Truncate at 0
d <- d[d$inc > 0,]
inc <- d$inc
w   <- d$w

# ML fit, full log-likelihood
fitf <- ml.gb2(inc, w)$opt1

# Estimated parameters
af <- fitf$par[1]
bf <- fitf$par[2]
pf <- fitf$par[3]
qf <- fitf$par[4]

gb2.par <- c(af, bf, pf, qf)

# Empirical indicators
indicEMP  <- main.emp(inc, w)
indicEMP <- c(indicEMP[1],indicEMP[3:6])
indicE <- round(indicEMP, digits=3)

# Nonlinear fit
nn <- nlsfit.gb2(indicEMP[1,3:6],indicEMP[3:6])
an <- nn[[1]][1]
bn <- nn[[1]][2]
pn <- nn[[1]][3]
qn <- nn[[1]][4]

# GB2 indicators
indicNLS <- c(main.gb2(0.6, an, bn, pn, qn)[1], main.gb2(0.6, an, bn, pn, qn)[3:6])
indicML <- c(main.gb2(0.6, af, bf, pf, qf)[1], main.gb2(0.6, af, bf, pf, qf)[3:6])
indicN <- round(indicNLS, digits=3)
indicM <- round(indicML, digits=3)

# Likelihoods
nlik <- loglp.gb2(inc, an, bn, pn, qn, w)
mlik <- loglp.gb2(inc, af, bf, pf, qf, w)

# Results
type=c("Emp. est", "NLS", "ML full")
results <- data.frame(type=type,
        median=c(indicE[1], indicN[1], indicM[1]),
        ARPR=c(indicE[2], indicN[2], indicM[2]),
        RMPG=c(indicE[3], indicN[3], indicM[3]),
        QSR =c(indicE[4], indicN[4], indicM[4]),
        GINI=c(indicE[5], indicN[5], indicM[5]),
        likelihood=c(NA, nlik, mlik),
        a=c(NA, an, af), b=c(NA, bn, bf) ,p=c(NA, pn, pf), q=c(NA, qn, qf))

## End(Not run)

[Package GB2 version 2.1.1 Index]