MultiMapParameters {GAS}R Documentation

Mapping function for univariate distributions


Map unrestricted vector of parameters into the proper space. This function transforms the parameters updated using the GAS recursion into their proper space.


MultiMapParameters(Theta_tilde, Dist, N)



numeric Vector of reparametrised parameters, see Details.


character Label of the conditional distribution, see DistInfo.


numeric Cross sectional dimension. Note that only iN<5 is supported.


The order of the parameters is generally: locations, scales, correlations, shape. When the distribution defined by Dist does not have, say, the shape parameter, this should be simply omitted. See also DistInfo for specific distributions.


A numeric vector of parameters.


Leopoldo Catania


# Map unrestricted parameters for the Multivariate Student-t distribution with N=3

N = 3

Dist = "mvt"

# Vector of location parameters (this is not transformed).
Mu_tilde  = c(0.1,0.2,0.3)

# Vector of unrestricted scales parameters such that
# the scales will be equal to 1.0, 1.2 and 0.3, for the first, second and
# third variables, respectively.
Phi_tilde = c(log(1.0), log(1.2), log(0.3))

# The vector c(0.1,0.2,0.3) represents vec(R),
# where R is the correlation matrix.
# Note that is up to the user to ensure that
# vec(R) implies a proper correlation matrix
# The function UnMapR_C transforms vec(R) in a vector of unrestricted parameters. It is
# the inverse of the hyperspherical coordinates transformration.

Rho_tilde = UnMapR_C(c(0.1,0.2,0.3), N)

# Vector of unconditional reparametrised parameters such that the
# degrees of freedom are 7.
# LowerNu() prints the lower bound numerical parameter for the degree
# of freedom, see help(LowerNu)

Theta_tilde = c(Mu_tilde, Phi_tilde , Rho_tilde, log(7 - LowerNu()))

Theta = MultiMapParameters(Theta_tilde, Dist, N)


[Package GAS version 0.3.4 Index]