Genomic Annotation in Livestock for Positional Candidate LOci

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Documentation for package ‘GALLO’ version 1.4

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find_genes_qtls_around_markers Search genes and QTLs around candidate regions
gene_pval Estimate a gene-level p-value using Weighted Z-score approach and Meta-analysis with LD correlation coefficients approach
import_gff_gtf Import .gtf and .gff files to be used during gene and QTL annotation, respectively
NetCen Compute the centrality metrics for the nodes composing the network generated by the NetVis function
NetVis Create a dynamic network representing the relationship between two groups of variables
Nmarkers_SimpleM Estimate the number of effective markers in a chromosome based on an adapted version of the simpleM methodology
Nseg_chr Estimate the number of independent segments in a chromosome based on the effective population size
overlapping_among_groups Overlapping between grouping factors
PleioChiTest Compute a multi-trait test statistic for pleiotropic effects using summary statistics from association tests
plot_overlapping Plot overlapping between data and grouping factors
plot_qtl_info Plot QTLs information from the find_genes_qtls_around_markers output
QTLenrich_plot Plot enrichment results for QTL enrichment analysis
qtl_enrich Performs a QTL enrichment analysis based on a hypergeometric test for each QTL class
relationship_plot Plot relationship between data and grouping factors