FuzzyStatTraEOO-package {FuzzyStatTraEOO}R Documentation

Package 'FuzzyStatTra' in Encapsulated Object Oriented Programming


'FuzzyStatTraEOO' is an open source package for R. The aim of the package is to contain the package 'FuzzyStatTra' in Encapsulated Object Oriented Programming using R6. 'FuzzyStatTra' contains Statistical Methods for Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers, whose aim is to provide some basic functions for doing statistical analysis with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. For more details, you can visit the website of the SMIRE+CoDiRE (Statistical Methods with Imprecise Random Elements and Comparison of Distributions of Random Elements) Research Group (<https://bellman.ciencias.uniovi.es/smire+codire/>). The most related paper can be found in References. Now, those functions are organized in specific classes and methods. This object-based approach is an important step in making statistical computing more accessible to users.


Package: FuzzyStatTraEOO
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2022-12-12
License: LGPL (>= 3)

For a complete list of classes and their methods call help(package="FuzzyStatTraEOO"), call ??FuzzyStatTraEOO or use the Index link below, at the end of this help window.


Andrea Garcia Cernuda uo270115@uniovi.es,
Asun Lubiano lubiano@uniovi.es and Sara de la Rosa de Saa.

Maintainer: Andrea Garcia Cernuda uo270115@uniovi.es


See Also


[Package FuzzyStatTraEOO version 1.0 Index]