Fuzzy Logic Toolkit for R

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Documentation for package ‘FuzzyR’ version 2.3.2

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addmf Insert a membership function.
addrule Inserts a rule
addvar Insert a variable
anfis.builder ANFIS model builder
anfis.dE.dO1 anfis.dE.dO1
anfis.dE.dO2 anfis.dE.dO2
anfis.dE.dO3 anfis.dE.dO3
anfis.dE.dO4 anfis.dE.dO4
anfis.dE.dO5 anfis.dE.dO5
anfis.dE.dP1 anfis.dE.dP1
anfis.dE.dP1.gbellmf anfis.dE.dP1.gbellmf
anfis.dE.dP1.it2gbellmf anfis.dE.dP1.it2gbellmf
anfis.dE.dP4 anfis.dE.dP4
anfis.dMF.dP.gbellmf anfis.dMF.dP.gbellmf
anfis.dO2.dO1 anfis.dO2.dO1
anfis.dO3.dO2 anfis.dO3.dO2
anfis.dO4.dO3 anfis.dO4.dO3
anfis.dO5.dO4 anfis.dO5.dO4
anfis.eval ANFIS evaluator
anfis.L1.eval The evaluator for nodes in Layer 1
anfis.L2.eval The evaluator for nodes in Layer 2
anfis.L2.which L2.which
anfis.L3.eval The evaluator for nodes in Layer 3
anfis.L4.eval The evaluator for nodes in Layer 4
anfis.L4.mf.eval The evaluator for membership functions of nodes in Layer 1
anfis.L5.eval The evaluator for nodes in Layer 5
anfis.LI.eval The evaluator for nodes in Layer I
anfis.optimise ANFIS optimiser
anfis.plotmf Plot membership functions for an ANFIS object
anfis.tipper Produces an example fis object which can be used for ANFIS.
cmp.firing Plot firing strength with different inference method
convertfis Convert a fis
defuzz Defuzzify a set of values.
evalfis Evaluate a Fuzzy Inference System (fis)
evalmf Evaluate fuzzy membership function
evalmftype Evaluate fuzzy membership function with membership function type and parameters
fis.builder TSK FIS builder
fuzzy.firing Fuzzy rule firing
fuzzy.optimise Fuzzy optimisation
fuzzy.t Fuzzy t-norm/t-conorm operation
fuzzy.tconorm Fuzzy t-conorm
fuzzy.tnorm Fuzzy tnorm
fuzzyr.accuracy Fuzzy Accuracy
fuzzyr.match.fun fuzzyr.match.fun
gbell.fuzzification Generalised bell fuzzification
gbellmf Generalised bell membership function
genmf Fuzzy membership function generator
gensurf Produce a graphical evaluated fuzzy inference system.
it2tipper Produces an example it2fis object for Waiter-Tipping.
km.da km.da
linearmf Linear membership function
newfis Create a fis using newfis function
plotmf Plots a 2D graph of all membership functions in a variable.
readfis Read a fis object from a .fis file.
showfis Show a fis object.
showGUI Show a Graphic User Interface of fis object
showrule Showing rule from fis object
singleton.fuzzification Singleton Fuzzification
singletonmf Singleton membership function
tipper Produces an example fis object for Waiter-Tipping.
tipper.ns Produces an example non-singleton fis object for Waiter-Tipping.
tipper.tsk Produces an example fis object (TSK type), which can also be optimised by ANFIS.
tipperGUI Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping
tipperGUI2 Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping (another style)
writefis Write a fis object to a .fis file.
x.fuzzification Fuzzification