addmf |
Insert a membership function. |
addrule |
Inserts a rule |
addvar |
Insert a variable |
anfis.builder |
ANFIS model builder |
anfis.dE.dO1 |
anfis.dE.dO1 |
anfis.dE.dO2 |
anfis.dE.dO2 |
anfis.dE.dO3 |
anfis.dE.dO3 |
anfis.dE.dO4 |
anfis.dE.dO4 |
anfis.dE.dO5 |
anfis.dE.dO5 |
anfis.dE.dP1 |
anfis.dE.dP1 |
anfis.dE.dP1.gbellmf |
anfis.dE.dP1.gbellmf |
anfis.dE.dP1.it2gbellmf |
anfis.dE.dP1.it2gbellmf |
anfis.dE.dP4 |
anfis.dE.dP4 |
anfis.dMF.dP.gbellmf |
anfis.dMF.dP.gbellmf |
anfis.dO2.dO1 |
anfis.dO2.dO1 |
anfis.dO3.dO2 |
anfis.dO3.dO2 |
anfis.dO4.dO3 |
anfis.dO4.dO3 |
anfis.dO5.dO4 |
anfis.dO5.dO4 |
anfis.eval |
ANFIS evaluator |
anfis.L1.eval |
The evaluator for nodes in Layer 1 |
anfis.L2.eval |
The evaluator for nodes in Layer 2 |
anfis.L2.which |
L2.which |
anfis.L3.eval |
The evaluator for nodes in Layer 3 |
anfis.L4.eval |
The evaluator for nodes in Layer 4 | |
The evaluator for membership functions of nodes in Layer 1 |
anfis.L5.eval |
The evaluator for nodes in Layer 5 |
anfis.LI.eval |
The evaluator for nodes in Layer I |
anfis.optimise |
ANFIS optimiser |
anfis.plotmf |
Plot membership functions for an ANFIS object |
anfis.tipper |
Produces an example fis object which can be used for ANFIS. |
cmp.firing |
Plot firing strength with different inference method |
convertfis |
Convert a fis |
defuzz |
Defuzzify a set of values. |
evalfis |
Evaluate a Fuzzy Inference System (fis) |
evalmf |
Evaluate fuzzy membership function |
evalmftype |
Evaluate fuzzy membership function with membership function type and parameters |
fis.builder |
TSK FIS builder |
fuzzy.firing |
Fuzzy rule firing |
fuzzy.optimise |
Fuzzy optimisation |
fuzzy.t |
Fuzzy t-norm/t-conorm operation |
fuzzy.tconorm |
Fuzzy t-conorm |
fuzzy.tnorm |
Fuzzy tnorm |
fuzzyr.accuracy |
Fuzzy Accuracy | | |
gbell.fuzzification |
Generalised bell fuzzification |
gbellmf |
Generalised bell membership function |
genmf |
Fuzzy membership function generator |
gensurf |
Produce a graphical evaluated fuzzy inference system. |
it2tipper |
Produces an example it2fis object for Waiter-Tipping. |
km.da |
km.da |
linearmf |
Linear membership function |
newfis |
Create a fis using newfis function |
plotmf |
Plots a 2D graph of all membership functions in a variable. |
readfis |
Read a fis object from a .fis file. |
showfis |
Show a fis object. |
showGUI |
Show a Graphic User Interface of fis object |
showrule |
Showing rule from fis object |
singleton.fuzzification |
Singleton Fuzzification |
singletonmf |
Singleton membership function |
tipper |
Produces an example fis object for Waiter-Tipping. |
tipper.ns |
Produces an example non-singleton fis object for Waiter-Tipping. |
tipper.tsk |
Produces an example fis object (TSK type), which can also be optimised by ANFIS. |
tipperGUI |
Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping |
tipperGUI2 |
Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping (another style) |
writefis |
Write a fis object to a .fis file. |
x.fuzzification |
Fuzzification |