fnn.fnc {FuncNN}R Documentation

Output of Estimated Functional Weights


This function outputs plots and ggplot() objects of the functional weights found by the fnn.fit() model.


fnn.fnc(model, domain_range, covariate_scaling = FALSE)



A keras model as outputted by fnn.fit().


List of size k. Each element of the list is a 2-dimensional vector containing the upper and lower bounds of the k-th functional weight. Must be the same covariates as input into fnn.fit().


If TRUE, then data will be internally scaled before model development.


No additional details for now.


The following are returned:

FNC_Coefficients – The estimated coefficients defining the basis expansion for each of the k functional weights.

saved_plot – A list of size k of ggplot() objects.


# libraries

# loading data
tecator = FuncNN::tecator

# define the time points on which the functional predictor is observed.
timepts = tecator$absorp.fdata$argvals

# define the fourier basis
nbasis = 29
spline_basis = create.fourier.basis(tecator$absorp.fdata$rangeval, nbasis)

# convert the functional predictor into a fda object and getting deriv
tecator_fd =  Data2fd(timepts, t(tecator$absorp.fdata$data), spline_basis)
tecator_deriv = deriv.fd(tecator_fd)
tecator_deriv2 = deriv.fd(tecator_deriv)

# Non functional covariate
tecator_scalar = data.frame(water = tecator$y$Water)

# Response
tecator_resp = tecator$y$Fat

# Getting data into right format
tecator_data = array(dim = c(nbasis, length(tecator_resp), 3))
tecator_data[,,1] = tecator_fd$coefs
tecator_data[,,2] = tecator_deriv$coefs
tecator_data[,,3] = tecator_deriv2$coefs

# Getting data ready to pass into function
ind = 1:165
tec_data_train <- array(dim = c(nbasis, length(ind), 3))
tec_data_train = tecator_data[, ind, ]
tecResp_train = tecator_resp[ind]
scalar_train = data.frame(tecator_scalar[ind,1])

# Setting up network
tecator_fnn = fnn.fit(resp = tecResp_train,
                      func_cov = tec_data_train,
                      scalar_cov = scalar_train,
                      basis_choice = c("fourier", "fourier", "fourier"),
                      num_basis = c(5, 5, 7),
                      hidden_layers = 4,
                      neurons_per_layer = c(64, 64, 64, 64),
                      activations_in_layers = c("relu", "relu", "relu", "linear"),
                      domain_range = list(c(850, 1050), c(850, 1050), c(850, 1050)),
                      epochs = 300,
                      learn_rate = 0.002)

# Functional weights for this model
est_func_weights = fnn.fnc(tecator_fnn, domain_range = list(c(850, 1050),
                                                            c(850, 1050),
                                                            c(850, 1050)))

[Package FuncNN version 1.0 Index]