FunWithNumbers-package |
Fun with Fractions and Number Sequences |
aliquot |
Generate the Aliquot Sequence. |
benprob |
Generate random numbers based on the Benford distribution |
bestFrac |
Generate a fraction close to the input value. |
bpp |
Function which calculates pi, or other irrationals, using the BaileyBorweinPlouffe formula ~~ |
charE |
High-precision values for some common constants, in character strings. |
charPhi |
High-precision values for some common constants, in character strings. |
charPi |
High-precision values for some common constants, in character strings. |
charRoot2 |
High-precision values for some common constants, in character strings. |
collatz |
Test the Collatz Conjecture. ~~ |
dontWorry |
Test for Happy Numbers ~~ |
factorion |
Find Factorion Numbers. ~~ |
FunWithNumbers |
Fun with Fractions and Number Sequences |
harshad |
Find Harshad Numbers ~~ |
juggatz |
Function which calculates the "Juggler" sequence ~~ |
kaprekar |
Calculate the Kaprekar Sequence. ~~ |
morris |
Generate the Morris sequence |
pdi |
Calculate Perfect Digital Invariant ~~ |
sptable |
Calculate the number of unique values in the cross-table of sums and products for the input set of numbers |
vaneck |
Generate a sequence 'invented' by Jan Ritsema Van Eck |