Frequency Profiles Computing and Plotting

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Documentation for package ‘FreqProf’ version 0.0.1

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approxm Interpolate multiple columns of a data.frame
cor.testm Correlation test for multiple variables - of the same name - in separate data.frames
freqprof Convert data to moving sum/prop.
ggplot_fp Internal ggplot Wrapper to Graph Frequency Profiles
import_data Import Data Pop Up
ks.testm Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for multiple variables - of the same name - in separate data.frames
movfun Internal function for Generating Moving Sum or Proportion
plot_freqprof Plot Frequency Profiles.
radj Internal function for Resolution Adjustment
read.bin Reads the data in the file "filename", which is supposed to be a .bin file
read.fpw Reads the data in the file "filename", which is supposed to be a .fpw file
runEx Run interactive FreqProf example (Shiny App)
s58 Occurrence/nonoccurrence data for four behaviors from a single subject